Maplets for Calculus is a collection of 129 Maple applets designed to help students learn precalculus and calculus. Some of the applets help to build intuition and some provide practice with routine computational techniques. Most of the applets support both algorithmically generated (random) problems as well as user-entered problems. This allows students to enter a specific problem from another source, such as a textbook, or to use the applet for drill practice in preparation for a quiz or exam. In lecture, instructors can enter a problem to illustrate a specific concept. In a computer lab, the algorithmically generated questions allow each student to work on a different problem and use their findings to motivate a general result.
Single User License:

Solid of Revolution
- Permits you to install M4C on all of the computers you own and carry it with you on a thumb drive to use on other computers.
- Includes free upgrades for three years.
Requires Maple 10 or newer.
Maple Player is available for download at Maplesoft.
Maple is available for purchase from Maplesoft's Education Store.
(Student Price:$99$85 after purchase of M4C). - Works on any operating system that supports Maple.
- Requires a web browser (which you are obviously currently using).
- Requires Java.
- Supplemental material requires Internet Access and Adobe Flash Player.
Multiple User Site License:
- Substantial discounts available
- May be installed on individual machines in a lab or on a secured web site.
- Includes free upgrades for three years.
- Requires Maple 10 or newer on client machines OR any version of MapleNet on a server.
- Please contact the authors.
Installation Instructions:
- Download size: 4 MB
- Extract the files from the ZIP archive.
- Read the GettingStarted file.
- Be sure to open the MapletsForCalculus file from the extracted location (not from within the archive)