



MYMathApps Index Page

\(1^\text{st}\)-moment of the mass

Definition MYMACalc3 Review of Center of Mass of a Bar ,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Review of Center of Mass of a Bar

(\(2\)-sided) limit

Definition MYMACalc1 2-Sided Limits and Continuity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LimCont.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: 2-Sided Limits and Continuity

(\(2\)-sided) limit

Definition MYMACalc3 Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review)

(\(2\)-sided\)) limit is negative infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 2-Sided Limits and Continuity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LimCont.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: 2-Sided Limits and Continuity

(\(2\)-sided\)) limit is positive infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 2-Sided Limits and Continuity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LimCont.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: 2-Sided Limits and Continuity

(\(2\)-sided\)) limit is negative infinity

Definition MYMACalc3 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

(\(2\)-sided\)) limit is positive infinity

Definition MYMACalc3 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

2D Stokes' Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc3 Alternate Notations - 2D Stokes' Theorem,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGreen\2DStokes.html,undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGreen\ApplCirc.html
3 Green's Theorem: Alternate Notations - 2D Stokes' Theorem

2D Gauss' Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc3 Alternate Notations - 2D Gauss' Theorem,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGreen\2DGauss.html
3 Green's Theorem: Alternate Notations - 2D Gauss' Theorem

4D Cylindrical Coordinates

Definition MYMACalc3 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\nDCylSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional)

4D Spherical Coordinates

Definition MYMACalc3 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\nDCylSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional)


Definition MYMACalc3 Riemann Sum Definition of Triple Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\3DRiem.html
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Riemann Sum Definition of Triple Integrals

A Vector Potential is Unique up to a Curl-Free Field

Theorem MYMACalc3 Finding Vector Potentials,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\VecPots.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Finding Vector Potentials

A Scalar Potential is Unique up to a Constant

Theorem MYMACalc3 Finding Scalar Potentials,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\ScalPots.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Finding Scalar Potentials

Absolute Value of the Triple Product

Theorem MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Triple Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\TripleGeom.html
3 Cross Product: Geometric Interpretation of Triple Products

absolute minimum

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html,Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html,Global Max-Min Problems,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Global.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable
3 Max-Min Problems: Functions of \(2\) Variables

absolute maximum

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html,Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html,Global Max-Min Problems,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Global.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable
3 Max-Min Problems: Functions of \(2\) Variables

absolutely convergent

Definition MYMACalc2 The Absolute Convergence Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Abs.html,Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html
2 Convergence of General Series: The Absolute Convergence Test

abstract form

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - More on the Normal Equation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam3.html,Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html,Planes in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) - More on the Normal Equation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam2.html,Planes - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - More on the Normal Equation

abstract form

Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Lines

“abuse of notation”

Definition MYMACalc3 Derivative Along a Curve and the Gradient,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DerCurve.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Derivative Along a Curve and the Gradient

acceleration of gravity

Definition MYMACalc2 Falling near the Earth,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\FreeFall.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Falling near the Earth

Add a Multiple of One Row to Another Row (<strong>Row Operation III</strong>)*

Theorem MYMACalc3 Properties of Determinants,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetProp.html
3 Cross Product: Properties of Determinants

Addition and Subtraction of Power Series

Theorem MYMACalc2 Addition and Subtraction,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\AddSub.html
2 Power Series: Addition and Subtraction


Theorem MYMACalc3 Properties of Determinants,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetProp.html
3 Cross Product: Properties of Determinants


Definition MYMACalc2 The Alternating Series Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Alt.html,The Alternating Series Test - Justification and Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\AltPf.html,Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html
2 Convergence of General Series: The Alternating Series Test

alternating harmonic series

Definition MYMACalc2 The Alternating Series Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Alt.html
2 Convergence of General Series: The Alternating Series Test

alternating series bound on the error in the approximation

Definition MYMACalc2 Approximating the Series - Alternating Series Bound,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\ApproxSerAltBnd.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Approximating the Series - Alternating Series Bound

angle between the lines

Definition MYMACalc3 Parallel or Intersecting Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LinesIntersect1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Parallel or Intersecting Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)

angle between the planes

Definition MYMACalc3 Parallel and Intersecting Planes,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlanesIntersect.html
3 Lines and Planes: Parallel and Intersecting Planes

angle \(\theta\) between the line and the plane

Definition MYMACalc3 Parallel and Intersecting Lines and Planes in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LinePlaneIntersect.html
3 Lines and Planes: Parallel and Intersecting Lines and Planes in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)


Definition MYMACalc1 Angles,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Angles.html
1 Vectors: Angles


Definition MYMACalc3 Angles,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\Angles.html
3 Dot Product: Angles

angle between the lines

Definition MYMACalc1 Intersections of Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\LinesIntersect.html
1 Vectors: Intersections of Lines

angular velocity

Definition MYMACalc3 Application - Balancing Torques,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\BalTorques.html
3 Cross Product: Application - Balancing Torques

angular acceleration

Definition MYMACalc2 Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\MomInertia.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

angular acceleration

Definition MYMACalc3 Application - Balancing Torques,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\BalTorques.html
3 Cross Product: Application - Balancing Torques


Definition MYMACalc2 Definition of Antiderivatives,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\AntiDer\Def.html
2 Antiderivatives: Definition of Antiderivatives


Definition MYMACalc3 Generalizing Antiderivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\AntiDer.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Generalizing Antiderivatives


Definition MYMACalc1 Definition of Antiderivatives,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\AntiDer\Def.html
1 Antiderivatives: Definition of Antiderivatives

Antisymmetry (<strong>Row Operation I</strong>)*

Theorem MYMACalc3 Properties of Determinants,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetProp.html
3 Cross Product: Properties of Determinants

application point

Definition MYMACalc3 Application - Balancing Torques,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\BalTorques.html
3 Cross Product: Application - Balancing Torques


Definition MYMACalc2 Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html
2 Sequences: Precise Definiton of Limits


Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity

Arc Length of any Curve

Theorem MYMACalc2 Differential of Arc Length,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ArcDiff.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Differential of Arc Length

Arc Length of the Graph of a Pair of Functions in 3D

Theorem MYMACalc2 Arc Length - 3-Dimensional Space,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\Arc3D.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Arc Length - 3-Dimensional Space

arc length

Definition MYMACalc3 Arc Length,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\ArcLength.html
3 Line Integrals: Arc Length

Arc Length of the Curve

Definition MYMACalc3 Arc Length, Arc Length Parameter, and Speed,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\ArcLen.html
3 Properties of Curves: Arc Length, Arc Length Parameter, and Speed

arc length function

Definition MYMACalc3 Arc Length, Arc Length Parameter, and Speed,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\sParam.html
3 Properties of Curves: Arc Length, Arc Length Parameter, and Speed

Arc Length of a Polar Curve

Theorem MYMACalc2 Arc Length of a Polar Graph,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\ArcLength.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Arc Length of a Polar Graph

Arc Length of a Parametric Curve

Theorem MYMACalc2 Arc Length of a Parametric Curve,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ArcParam.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Arc Length of a Parametric Curve

Arc Length of a Parametric Curve in 3D

Theorem MYMACalc2 Arc Length - 3-Dimensional Space,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\Arc3D.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Arc Length - 3-Dimensional Space

Arc Length of the Graph of a Function

Theorem MYMACalc2 Arc Length of the Graph of a Function,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ArcGraph.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Arc Length of the Graph of a Function

arc length

Definition MYMACalc2 Arc Length - 3-Dimensional Space,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\Arc3D.html,Arc Length of the Graph of a Function,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ArcGraph.html,Arc Length of a Parametric Curve,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ArcParam.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Arc Length - 3-Dimensional Space

area under \(f(x)\) above the interval \([a,b]\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Area as an Antiderivative,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\AntiDer\AreaAD.html
1 Antiderivatives: Area as an Antiderivative


Definition MYMACalc3 Applications of Double Integrals - Centroid of a Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCentroid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Applications of Double Integrals - Centroid of a Region

Area as a \(y\)-Integral

Theorem MYMACalc1 Area as a \(y\)-Integral,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntegAppl\Int_y.html
1 Applications of Integration: Area as a \(y\)-Integral

Area Between Two Curves

Theorem MYMACalc1 Area Between Two Curves,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntegAppl\Between.html
1 Applications of Integration: Area Between Two Curves

Area Below a Curve

Theorem MYMACalc1 Area Below a Curve,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntegAppl\Below.html
1 Applications of Integration: Area Below a Curve

area function for \(f(x)\)

Definition MYMACalc2 Area as Antiderivative,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\AntiDer\AreaAD.html
2 Antiderivatives: Area as Antiderivative

Area of a Triangle

Theorem MYMACalc3 Areas,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\Area.html
3 Cross Product: Areas

Area of a Parallelogram

Theorem MYMACalc3 Areas,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\Area.html
3 Cross Product: Areas

area function for \(f(x)\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Area as an Antiderivative,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\AntiDer\AreaAD.html
1 Antiderivatives: Area as an Antiderivative

Area of a Polar Rectangle

Theorem MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell

Area under a Curve as an Integral

Theorem MYMACalc1 Riemann Sums and Areas,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\Def.html
1 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Areas

area under \(f(x)\) above the interval \([a,b]\)

Definition MYMACalc2 Area as Antiderivative,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\AntiDer\AreaAD.html
2 Antiderivatives: Area as Antiderivative

area of a polar rectangle

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell

Area Enclosed by a Polar Graph

Theorem MYMACalc2 Area Enclosed by a Polar Graph,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\Area.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Area Enclosed by a Polar Graph

Area Between Two Curves

Theorem MYMACalc2 Area Between Two Curves,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Area\Betw.html
2 Area and Average Value: Area Between Two Curves

Area Between Polar Graph

Theorem MYMACalc2 Area Between Polar Graphs,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\AreaBetween.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Area Between Polar Graphs

Area Below a Curve

Theorem MYMACalc2 Area Below a Curve,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Area\Below.html
2 Area and Average Value: Area Below a Curve

Area as a \(y\)-Integral

Theorem MYMACalc2 Area as a \(y\)-Integral,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Area\yInt.html
2 Area and Average Value: Area as a \(y\)-Integral

Area under a Curve as an Integral

Theorem MYMACalc2 Riemann Sums and Areas,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\Def.html
2 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Areas


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Curves - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Curves - Part 1

asymptotic lines

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Curves - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Curves - Part 1

asymptotic cone

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1

autonomous differential equations

Definition MYMACalc2 undefined,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\Cooling.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: undefined

Average Value and Area

Theorem MYMACalc2 Average Value and Area,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Area\AveRect.html
2 Area and Average Value: Average Value and Area

average value of a function

Definition MYMACalc1 Average Value of a Function,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntegAppl\Ave.html,undefined,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntegAppl\MVT.html
1 Applications of Integration: Average Value of a Function

average value of a function

Definition MYMACalc2 Average Value of a Function,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Area\Ave.html,undefined,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Area\MeanVal.html
2 Area and Average Value: Average Value of a Function

Average Value of a Function

Theorem MYMACalc2 Average Value of a Function,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Area\Ave.html
2 Area and Average Value: Average Value of a Function

Average Value of a Function

Theorem MYMACalc1 Average Value of a Function,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntegAppl\Ave.html
1 Applications of Integration: Average Value of a Function

average radius of the cone

Definition MYMACalc2 Area of a Surface of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\SurfRev.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Area of a Surface of Revolution

Average Value and Area

Theorem MYMACalc1 Average Value and Area,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntegAppl\AveRect.html
1 Applications of Integration: Average Value and Area

average value

Definition MYMACalc3 Average Value,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\Ave.html
3 Line Integrals: Average Value


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DRectCoord.html,3D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Rectangular Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad1.html,Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1

azimuthal angle

Definition MYMACalc3 3D Spherical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Spherical Coordinates

Balancing problems

Definition MYMACalc2 undefined,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\Mixing.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: undefined

Best Fit Parabola

Theorem MYMACalc2 Simpson's Rule,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\Simp.html
2 Numerical Integration: Simpson's Rule


Definition MYMACalc2 Bounded Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Bnd.html
2 Sequences: Bounded Sequences

Bounded, Monotonic Sequence Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc2 Bounded, Monotonic Sequence Theorem,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\BndMonoThm.html,Precise Bounded Monotonic Sequence Theorem,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecBM.html
2 Sequences: Bounded, Monotonic Sequence Theorem

bounded above

Definition MYMACalc2 Bounded Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Bnd.html
2 Sequences: Bounded Sequences

bounded below

Definition MYMACalc2 Bounded Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Bnd.html
2 Sequences: Bounded Sequences

By inspection

Definition MYMACalc3 Finding Scalar Potentials,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\ScalPots.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Finding Scalar Potentials

Cartesian Coordinate System

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Rectangular Coordinates

case work

Definition MYMACalc3 Second Derivative Test - Examples,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\SecondDerTest1.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Second Derivative Test - Examples


Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Power Series?,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Def.html
2 Power Series: What is a Power Series?

Center of Mass of a Bar with Non-Uniform Density

Theorem MYMACalc2 Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMbar.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

center of mass

Definition MYMACalc2 Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMbar.html,Center of Mass - Discrete Masses,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMdiscrete.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

center of mass

Definition MYMACalc3 Mass, Center of Mass and Centroid,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\MassCM.html, Review of Center of Mass of a Bar ,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html,Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html,Center of Mass,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\CM.html
3 Line Integrals: Mass, Center of Mass and Centroid
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Review of Center of Mass of a Bar
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass

Center of Mass for Discrete Masses

Theorem MYMACalc2 Center of Mass - Discrete Masses,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMdiscrete.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Center of Mass - Discrete Masses


Definition MYMACalc3 Mass, Center of Mass and Centroid,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\MassCM.html,Applications of Double Integrals - Centroid of a Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCentroid.html,Centroid,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\Centroid.html
3 Line Integrals: Mass, Center of Mass and Centroid
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Applications of Double Integrals - Centroid of a Region
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Centroid

Chain Rule for Functions with \(4\) Intermediate Variable

Theorem MYMACalc3 Chain Rule with More Intermediate Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\ChainRule3.html
3 Chain Rule: Chain Rule with More Intermediate Variables

Chain Rule for Functions of \(1\) Variable

Theorem MYMACalc1 Chain Rule,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\Chain\Chain.html
1 Chain Rule & Implicit Differentiation: Chain Rule

Chain Rule for Functions of \(1\) Variable

Theorem MYMACalc3 Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\ChainRule1.html
3 Chain Rule: Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable

Chain Rule for Functions with \(2\) Intermediate Variables

Theorem MYMACalc3 Chain Rule with \(2\) Intermediate Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\ChainRule2.html
3 Chain Rule: Chain Rule with \(2\) Intermediate Variables

Chain Rule for Functions with \(2\) Intermediate and \(2\) Independent Variables

Theorem MYMACalc3 Chain Rule with More Independent Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\ChainRule4.html
3 Chain Rule: Chain Rule with More Independent Variables

Change Limits

Theorem MYMACalc2 Definite Integrals - Changing Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\IntSubs\DefChLim.html
2 Integration by Substitution: Definite Integrals - Changing Limits

change of variables

Definition MYMACalc1 Indefinite Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntSubs\Indef.html
1 Integration by Substitution: Indefinite Integrals

change in the dependent variable

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(3\) or more Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff3Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(3\) or more Variables

change of position

Definition MYMACalc1 Displacements,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Disp.html
1 Vectors: Displacements

change of variables

Definition MYMACalc2 Indefinite Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\IntSubs\Indef.html
2 Integration by Substitution: Indefinite Integrals

change of position

Definition MYMACalc3 The Vector Between Two Points - Displacement,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Disp.html
3 Vectors: The Vector Between Two Points - Displacement

changes in the independent variables

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(3\) or more Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff3Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(3\) or more Variables

Changing Limits in Integration by Substitution

Theorem MYMACalc1 Definite Integrals - Changing Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntSubs\DefChLim.html
1 Integration by Substitution: Definite Integrals - Changing Limits

Changing Limits in Integration by Substitution

Theorem MYMACalc2 Definite Integrals - Changing Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\IntSubs\DefChLim.html
2 Integration by Substitution: Definite Integrals - Changing Limits

changing limits

Definition MYMACalc2 Definite Integrals - Changing Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\IntSubs\DefChLim.html
2 Integration by Substitution: Definite Integrals - Changing Limits

changing limits

Definition MYMACalc1 Definite Integrals - Changing Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntSubs\DefChLim.html
1 Integration by Substitution: Definite Integrals - Changing Limits

charge density

Definition MYMACalc3 The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Curves - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Curves - Part 1

circular cylinders

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2

circulation of the fluid

Definition MYMACalc3 Flow and Circulation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\FlowCirc.html
3 Line Integrals: Flow and Circulation

circulation of the vector field

Definition MYMACalc3 Flow and Circulation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\FlowCirc.html
3 Line Integrals: Flow and Circulation

Clairaut's Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc3 Clairaut's Theorem,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Clairaut.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Clairaut's Theorem

coefficient of viscosity

Definition MYMACalc2 Falling with Air Resistance,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\TermVel.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Falling with Air Resistance


Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Power Series?,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Def.html
2 Power Series: What is a Power Series?

comparison series

Definition MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Overview

comparison bound on the error in the approximation

Definition MYMACalc2 Approximating the Series - Comparison Bounds,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\ApproxSerCompBnd.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Approximating the Series - Comparison Bounds

Comparison Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint - Comparison Test,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\FinComp.html,Integrals Improper at an Infinite Endpoint - Comparison Test,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\InfComp.html
2 Improper Integrals: Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint - Comparison Test

complete surface

Definition MYMACalc3 The Theorem,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGauss\Theorem.html
3 Gauss' Theorem: The Theorem

complex conjugate

Definition MYMACalc2 Complex Methods (Optional),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\ParFrac\Coeffs2Complex.html
2 Partial Fractions: Complex Methods (Optional)

component or scalar projection of \(\vec v\) perpenducular to \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjScalar.html
1 Vectors: Scalar Projections

component or scalar projection of the vector \(\vec v\) parallel to the direction of \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjScalar.html
3 Dot Product: Scalar Projections

component functions

Definition MYMACalc3 Line Integrals of Vectors,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\VectorInt.html
3 Line Integrals: Line Integrals of Vectors

component form

Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Lines

component or scalar projection of \(\vec v\) parallel to \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjScalar.html
1 Vectors: Scalar Projections

component or scalar projection of the vector \(\vec v\) parallel to the direction of \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjScalar.html
1 Vectors: Scalar Projections

component or scalar projection of the vector \(\vec v\) perpendicular to the direction of \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjScalar.html
3 Dot Product: Scalar Projections

component or scalar projection of \(\vec v\) perpenducular to \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjScalar.html
3 Dot Product: Scalar Projections

component form

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - More on the Normal Equation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam3.html,Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html,Planes in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) - More on the Normal Equation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam2.html,Planes - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - More on the Normal Equation

component or scalar projection of the vector \(\vec v\) perpendicular to the direction of \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjScalar.html
1 Vectors: Scalar Projections

component or scalar projection of \(\vec v\) parallel to \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjScalar.html
3 Dot Product: Scalar Projections


Definition MYMACalc1 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjScalar.html
1 Vectors: Scalar Projections


Definition MYMACalc3 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjScalar.html
3 Dot Product: Scalar Projections

composition of functions

Definition MYMACalc3 Composition of Functions,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\CompFunc.html
3 Chain Rule: Composition of Functions

composition of functions

Definition MYMACalc1 Compositions,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\Chain\Comp.html
1 Chain Rule & Implicit Differentiation: Compositions

compute an integral which is improper at one or more interior points

Definition MYMACalc2 Integrals Improper at an Interior Point,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\Interior.html
2 Improper Integrals: Integrals Improper at an Interior Point

compute an integral which is improper at a finite left endpoint

Definition MYMACalc2 Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\Fin.html
2 Improper Integrals: Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint

compute an integral which is improper at positive infinity

Definition MYMACalc2 Integrals Improper at an Infinite Endpoint,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\Inf.html
2 Improper Integrals: Integrals Improper at an Infinite Endpoint

conditionally convergent

Definition MYMACalc2 The Absolute Convergence Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Abs.html,Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html
2 Convergence of General Series: The Absolute Convergence Test


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1

conic sections

Definition MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: undefined


Definition MYMACalc2 Indeterminate Form \(\infty-\infty\),\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimSubt.html
2 Sequences: Indeterminate Form \(\infty-\infty\)


Definition MYMACalc1 Indeterminate Form \(\infty-\infty\),\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Compute\LimSubt.html
1 Sequences: Indeterminate Form \(\infty-\infty\)


Definition MYMACalc3 Non-Existence of a Scalar Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoScalPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Non-Existence of a Scalar Potential

Constant Sequences

Theorem MYMACalc1 Limits of Special Functions,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Compute\LimSpec.html,Limit Laws,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimLaws.html
1 Computing Limits: Limits of Special Functions
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Limit Laws

constant of integration

Definition MYMACalc2 Separable Differential Equations --- Example 7,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\esep7.html,Indefinite Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\IndefInt.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: Separable Differential Equations --- Example 7
2 Riemann Sums: Indefinite Integrals

Constant Sequences

Theorem MYMACalc2 Special Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimSpec.html,Precise Special Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecSpec.html
2 Sequences: Special Limits


Definition MYMACalc2 Geometric Series - Finite,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\GeomFin.html
2 Series: Geometric Series - Finite

constants of integration

Definition MYMACalc2 Solutions of Differential Equations,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\Sol.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: Solutions of Differential Equations

constraint equation

Definition MYMACalc3 Constrained Max-Min Problems,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Constraint.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Constrained Max-Min Problems

continuous from the right

Definition MYMACalc3 Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review)

continuous on a region

Definition MYMACalc3 Continuity,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Continuity.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Continuity

continuous from the left

Definition MYMACalc3 Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review)

continuous from the left

Definition MYMACalc1 2-Sided Limits and Continuity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LimCont.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: 2-Sided Limits and Continuity


Definition MYMACalc3 Continuity,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Continuity.html,Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Continuity

continuous from the right

Definition MYMACalc1 2-Sided Limits and Continuity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LimCont.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: 2-Sided Limits and Continuity


Definition MYMACalc1 2-Sided Limits and Continuity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LimCont.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: 2-Sided Limits and Continuity


Definition MYMACalc3 Level Sets and Contour Plots,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\ContPlot3.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Level Sets and Contour Plots

contour plot

Definition MYMACalc3 Level Sets and Contour Plots,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\ContPlot3.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Level Sets and Contour Plots


Definition MYMACalc3 Non-Existence of a Vector Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoVecPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Non-Existence of a Vector Potential


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Divergence,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DivAlg.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Algebraic Definition of Divergence

contraction of the fluid

Definition MYMACalc3 Expansion and Contraction,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\Expansion.html
3 Line Integrals: Expansion and Contraction

Convergence Test

Definition MYMACalc2 Exercises,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\x.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Exercises
2 Convergence of Positive Series:


Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity


Definition MYMACalc2 Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html,Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html
2 Sequences: Limits - Definition


Definition MYMACalc1 Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LRLims.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: Left and Right Limits

converges to

Definition MYMACalc2 Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html,Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html
2 Sequences: Limits - Definition


Definition MYMACalc3 Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review)

converges to

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity

converges to \(S\)

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Divergence,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DivAlg.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Algebraic Definition of Divergence

Converting Between Rectangular and Polar Coordinates

Theorem MYMACalc2 Converting Between Rectangular and Polar Coordinates,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\Convert.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Converting Between Rectangular and Polar Coordinates

Converting Between Rectangular and Polar Coordinates

Theorem MYMACalc3 2D Converting between Rectangular and Polar,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarConvert.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Converting between Rectangular and Polar

convex hull

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Applications,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Appl.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Applications

coordinate curve

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Polar Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarCoord.html,3D Cylindrical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DCylCoord.html,3D Spherical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Polar Coordinates

coordinate dimensions

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell

coordinate curves

Definition MYMACalc3 Coordinate Curves and Tangent Vectors,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\TanVecs.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Coordinate Curves and Tangent Vectors

coordinate tangent vectors,

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell

coordinate surface

Definition MYMACalc3 3D Cylindrical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DCylCoord.html,3D Spherical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Cylindrical Coordinates

coordinate grid

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Polar Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarCoord.html,3D Cylindrical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DCylCoord.html,3D Spherical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Polar Coordinates

coordinate center

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell


Definition MYMACalc3 Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3.html,Position,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\PosPlots.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Position

Co-Planar Vectors

Theorem MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Triple Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\TripleGeom.html
3 Cross Product: Geometric Interpretation of Triple Products

Coulomb's Law of Electrostatics

Definition MYMACalc3 The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian


Definition MYMACalc3 Surfaces whose Boundaries have Several Curves,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmStokes\Hole.html
3 Stokes' Theorem: Surfaces whose Boundaries have Several Curves

critical points

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html,Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxInfl.html,Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxSaddle.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(2\) Variables
3 Max-Min Problems: Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable

critical point

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable

critical points

Definition MYMACalc1 \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test,\MYMACalc1\Part IV - Applications of Derivatives\MaxMin\2ndDerivTest.html
1 Max/Min Problems: \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Curves - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Curves - Part 1

cross product

Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Cross Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\CrossAlg.html
3 Cross Product: Algebraic Definition of Cross Products


Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Differential Equation?,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\Def.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: What is a Differential Equation?


Definition MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DelOperator.html,The Del Operator,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DelOperator.html,Algebraic Definition of Curl,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\CurlAlg.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: undefined

Curl of a Gradient Identity

Theorem MYMACalc3 The Curl of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\times\vec\nabla f\)),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpCurlGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Curl of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\times\vec\nabla f\))

curl field

Definition MYMACalc3 Non-Existence of a Vector Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoVecPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Non-Existence of a Vector Potential


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Curl,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\CurlAlg.html,Non-Existence of a Scalar Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoScalPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Algebraic Definition of Curl

curly d

Definition MYMACalc3 Computation,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\Compute.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Computation


Definition MYMACalc3 Curvature,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Curvature.html
3 Properties of Curves: Curvature


Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Curves.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Curves


Definition MYMACalc3 Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)

curvilinear rectangle

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell Area,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-GridArea.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell Area

curvilinear coordinate system

Definition MYMACalc3 Introduction to Parametric Surfaces,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\PosPlots.html,Position,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\PosPlots.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Introduction to Parametric Surfaces

curvilinear coordinates

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell


Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Curves.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Curves


Definition MYMACalc2 Arc Length of a Parametric Curve,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ArcParam.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Arc Length of a Parametric Curve


Definition MYMACalc3 Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2

Cylindrical Coordinates

Definition MYMACalc3 3D Cylindrical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DCylCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Cylindrical Coordinates

cylindrical shells

Definition MYMACalc2 Solids of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Vol\Rev.html
2 Volume: Solids of Revolution


Definition MYMACalc2 Monotonic Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Mono.html
2 Sequences: Monotonic Sequences

decreasing in absolute value

Definition MYMACalc2 The Alternating Series Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Alt.html,The Alternating Series Test - Justification and Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\AltPf.html,Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html
2 Convergence of General Series: The Alternating Series Test

defined recursively

Definition MYMACalc2 Recursively Defined Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Recur.html
2 Sequences: Recursively Defined Sequences

(definite) integral

Definition MYMACalc2 Riemann Sums and Areas,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\Def.html,Riemann Sums and Integrals (Optional),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\Def2.html
2 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Areas


Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Differential Equation?,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\Def.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: What is a Differential Equation?

-degree term

Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Power Series?,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Def.html
2 Power Series: What is a Power Series?

del operator

Definition MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DelOperator.html,The Del Operator,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DelOperator.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: undefined


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Partial Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\ParDerAlg.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Algebraic Definition of Partial Derivatives


Definition MYMACalc3 Derivative Along a Curve and the Gradient,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DerCurve.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Derivative Along a Curve and the Gradient

dependent variable

Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Differential Equation?,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\Def.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: What is a Differential Equation?


Definition MYMACalc3 Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\ChainRule1.html
3 Chain Rule: Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable


Definition MYMACalc1 Chain Rule,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\Chain\Chain.html
1 Chain Rule & Implicit Differentiation: Chain Rule

dependent variable

Definition MYMACalc3 Formulas,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\Formulas.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Formulas

derivative of \(f(x,y)\) along \(\vec v\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Derivative Along a Vector,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DerVec.html,Algebraic Definition of Partial Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\ParDerAlg.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Derivative Along a Vector
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Algebraic Definition of Partial Derivatives

Derivative of the Area Function

Theorem MYMACalc2 Area as Antiderivative,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\AntiDer\AreaAD.html
2 Antiderivatives: Area as Antiderivative

Derivative along a Curve

Theorem MYMACalc3 Derivative Along a Vector,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DerVec.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Derivative Along a Vector

derivative of the function \(f\) along the curve \(\vec r(t)\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Derivative Along a Curve and the Gradient,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DerCurve.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Derivative Along a Curve and the Gradient

Derivative as a Function

Theorem MYMACalc1 Derivative as a Function,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DefTanLine\DerivFn.html
1 Definitions and Tangent Lines: Derivative as a Function

derivative of the function \(f(x)\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Derivative as a Function,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DefTanLine\DerivFn.html
1 Definitions and Tangent Lines: Derivative as a Function

Derivative of the Integral

Theorem MYMACalc2 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\IntFTC.html
2 Riemann Sums: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals

Derivative of the Integral

Theorem MYMACalc1 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\IntFTC.html
1 Riemann Sums: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals

derivative of a vector function

Definition MYMACalc3 Derivatives of Vector Functions,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Der.html
3 Properties of Curves: Derivatives of Vector Functions

Derivative along a Vector

Theorem MYMACalc3 Derivative Along a Vector,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DerVec.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Derivative Along a Vector

Derivative at a Point

Theorem MYMACalc1 Derivative at a Point,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DefTanLine\DerivPt.html
1 Definitions and Tangent Lines: Derivative at a Point

derivative of the function \(f(x)\) at the point \(x=a\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Derivative at a Point,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DefTanLine\DerivPt.html
1 Definitions and Tangent Lines: Derivative at a Point

derivative of a vector function

Definition MYMACalc1 Velocity Vector,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\ParamCurves\Velocity.html
1 Parametric Curves: Velocity Vector

Derivative of the Area Function

Theorem MYMACalc1 Area as an Antiderivative,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\AntiDer\AreaAD.html
1 Antiderivatives: Area as an Antiderivative

determinant of a \(3\times3\) matrix

Definition MYMACalc3 Method of Diagonals,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetDiag.html
3 Cross Product: Method of Diagonals

determinant of a \(2\times2\) matrix

Definition MYMACalc3 Method of Diagonals,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetDiag.html
3 Cross Product: Method of Diagonals

difference (or change) in the independent variable

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff1Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(1\) Variable

difference (or change) in the dependent variable

Definition MYMACalc1 Differences,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DiffLinApprox\Differentials.html
1 Differentials & Linear Approximation: Differences

difference (or change) in the dependent variable

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff1Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(1\) Variable

difference (or change) in the independent variable

Definition MYMACalc1 Differences,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DiffLinApprox\Differentials.html
1 Differentials & Linear Approximation: Differences

difference (or change) in the independent variables

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff2Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(2\) Variables

difference (or change) in the dependent variable

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff2Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(2\) Variables

differential equation

Definition MYMACalc1 From Acceleration to Velocity and Position,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\AntiDer\AccVelPos.html
1 Antiderivatives: From Acceleration to Velocity and Position

differential of the dependent variable

Definition MYMACalc1 Differences,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DiffLinApprox\Differentials.html
1 Differentials & Linear Approximation: Differences

differential of arc length

Definition MYMACalc2 Differential of Arc Length,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ArcDiff.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Differential of Arc Length

differential notation

Definition MYMACalc3 Higher Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\HigherDer.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Higher Derivatives

differential of the independent variable

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff1Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(1\) Variable

differential of the dependent variable

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff1Var.html,Differentials with \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff2Var.html,Differentials with \(3\) or more Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff3Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(1\) Variable

differential of the independent variable

Definition MYMACalc1 Differences,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DiffLinApprox\Differentials.html
1 Differentials & Linear Approximation: Differences

differential equation

Definition MYMACalc2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\AntiDer\DiffEq.html
2 Antiderivatives: Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems

differentials of the independent variables

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff2Var.html,Differentials with \(3\) or more Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff3Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(2\) Variables

Differentiation of Power Series

Theorem MYMACalc2 Differentiation,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Diff.html
2 Power Series: Differentiation

direct second partials

Definition MYMACalc3 Higher Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\HigherDer.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Higher Derivatives


Definition MYMACalc3 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Arrow.html,Direction,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Dir.html
3 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows


Definition MYMACalc1 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Arrow.html,Direction,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Dir.html
1 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows

direction cosines

Definition MYMACalc3 Direction,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Dir.html
3 Vectors: Direction

direction cosines

Definition MYMACalc1 Direction,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Dir.html
1 Vectors: Direction

direction angles

Definition MYMACalc3 Direction,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Dir.html
3 Vectors: Direction

direction angles

Definition MYMACalc1 Direction,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Dir.html
1 Vectors: Direction

directional derivative of \(f(x,y)\) along \(\vec v\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Directional Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DirecDeriv.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Directional Derivatives

directional derivative of \(f(x,y)\) in the direction of \(\vec v\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Directional Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DirecDeriv.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Directional Derivatives


Definition MYMACalc3 Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxSaddle.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables

displacement vector

Definition MYMACalc1 Displacements,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Disp.html
1 Vectors: Displacements


Definition MYMACalc1 Displacements,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Disp.html
1 Vectors: Displacements

displacement vector

Definition MYMACalc3 The Vector Between Two Points - Displacement,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Disp.html
3 Vectors: The Vector Between Two Points - Displacement


Definition MYMACalc3 The Vector Between Two Points - Displacement,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Disp.html
3 Vectors: The Vector Between Two Points - Displacement

Distance Formula in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance Formula in 3D,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DDistance.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Distance Formula in 3D

Distance Formula in \(\mathbb{R}^n\)

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance Formula in Higher Dimensions (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\nDDistance.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Distance Formula in Higher Dimensions (Optional)

Distance from a Point to a Line in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance from a Point to a Line - \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\DistPoint2LineR2.html
3 Lines and Planes: Distance from a Point to a Line - \(\mathbb{R}^2\)

Distance from a Point to a Line

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance from a Point to a Line - \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\DistPoint2LineR3.html
3 Lines and Planes: Distance from a Point to a Line - \(\mathbb{R}^3\)

Distance Formula

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance Formula in 2D,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DDistance.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Distance Formula in 2D

Distance from a Point to a Plane

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance from a Point to a Plane,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\DistPoint2Plane.html
3 Lines and Planes: Distance from a Point to a Plane

Distance from a Point to a Line in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance from a Point to a Line - \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\DistPoint2LineR3.html
3 Lines and Planes: Distance from a Point to a Line - \(\mathbb{R}^3\)


Definition MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DelOperator.html,The Del Operator,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DelOperator.html,Algebraic Definition of Divergence,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DivAlg.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: undefined

Divergence of a Curl Identity

Theorem MYMACalc3 The Divergence of a Curl (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla\times\vec F\)),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivCurl.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Divergence of a Curl (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla\times\vec F\))


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Divergence,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DivAlg.html,Non-Existence of a Vector Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoVecPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Algebraic Definition of Divergence


Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity


Definition MYMACalc2 The Absolute Convergence Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Abs.html,Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html,Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html,Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html,The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Convergence of General Series: The Absolute Convergence Test
2 Sequences: Overview
2 Series: Limits - Definition


Definition MYMACalc1 Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LRLims.html,Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: Left and Right Limits
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity

diverges to \(-\infty\)

Definition MYMACalc3 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

diverges to \(\infty\)

Definition MYMACalc3 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

diverges to \(-\infty\) on the left or right

Definition MYMACalc3 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist


Definition MYMACalc2 Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html,Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html,The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Sequences: Limits - Definition
2 Series: Precise Definiton of Limits

diverges to \(\infty\) on the left or right

Definition MYMACalc3 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

diverges to \(-\infty\)

Definition MYMACalc1 2-Sided Limits and Continuity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LimCont.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: 2-Sided Limits and Continuity


Definition MYMACalc3 Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review)

diverges to \(\infty\) on the left or right

Definition MYMACalc1 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LRLims.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

diverges to positive infinity

Definition MYMACalc2 Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html
2 Sequences: Limits - Definition

diverges to \(\infty\)

Definition MYMACalc1 2-Sided Limits and Continuity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LimCont.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: 2-Sided Limits and Continuity

diverges to \(-\infty\) on the left or right

Definition MYMACalc1 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LRLims.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

diverges to negative infinity

Definition MYMACalc2 Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html
2 Sequences: Limits - Definition


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Divergence,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DivAlg.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Algebraic Definition of Divergence


Definition MYMACalc2 General Decompositions,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\ParFrac\Decomp.html
2 Partial Fractions: General Decompositions


Definition MYMACalc2 General Decompositions,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\ParFrac\Decomp.html
2 Partial Fractions: General Decompositions

does not have a sum

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series

dog saddle

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(2\) Variables


Definition MYMACalc3 Domain and Image,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\DomainImage.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Domain and Image

dot product

Definition MYMACalc1 Dot Product - Algebraic,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\DotAlg.html
1 Vectors: Dot Product - Algebraic

dot product

Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\DotAlg.html
3 Dot Product: Algebraic Definition

double integral of \(f(x,y)\) over the region \(R\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Riemann Sum Definition of Double Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\2DRiem.html
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Riemann Sum Definition of Double Integrals

drag coefficient

Definition MYMACalc2 Falling with Air Resistance,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\TermVel.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Falling with Air Resistance

electric charge

Definition MYMACalc2 Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\Charge.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density

electrostatic potential energy

Definition MYMACalc3 Coulomb Electrostatic Force,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmFTCC\CoulombElectro.html
3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Curves: Coulomb Electrostatic Force

Eliminate a Variable Method

Definition MYMACalc3 Eliminate a Variable Method,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Constraint.html,Multiple Constraint Problems (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MultConstraint.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Eliminate a Variable Method


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Curves - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Curves - Part 1


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1

elliptic cylinders

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2

elliptic polar coordinate system

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Ellipse Example,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-Int.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Ellipse Example

elliptic paraboloid

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2

equal to

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html,Precise Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LRLims.html,Precise \(2\)-Sided Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\Lims.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity

equal to

Definition MYMACalc3 Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_1D.html,Precise Limits for Functions of \(2\) Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_2D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review)

equal to

Definition MYMACalc2 Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html
2 Sequences: Precise Definiton of Limits

Equation of a Tangent Plane to a Graph

Theorem MYMACalc3 Comparison of Tangent Line and Tangent Plane Derivations,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanLinePlane.html,Tangent Plane to the Graph of a Function - Algebraic,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanPlaneAlg.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Comparison of Tangent Line and Tangent Plane Derivations

Equation of a Circle

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance Formula in 2D,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DDistance.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Distance Formula in 2D

Equation of a Sphere

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance Formula in 3D,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DDistance.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Distance Formula in 3D

Equation of a Tangent Line to a Graph

Theorem MYMACalc1 Tangent Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DefTanLine\TanLine.html
1 Definitions and Tangent Lines: Tangent Lines

Equation of a Tangent Line to a Graph

Theorem MYMACalc3 Tangent Line to the Graph of a Function,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanLine.html,Comparison of Tangent Line and Tangent Plane Derivations,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanLinePlane.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Tangent Line to the Graph of a Function

Equation of a Tangent HyperPlane to a Graph

Theorem MYMACalc3 More Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\MoreVars.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: More Variables

Equation of a Sphere in \(\mathbb{R}^n\)

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance Formula in Higher Dimensions (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\nDDistance.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Distance Formula in Higher Dimensions (Optional)

Equivalent Form

Theorem MYMACalc1 Limit Laws,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimLaws.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Limit Laws

error in the approximation

Definition MYMACalc2 Approximating the Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\ApproxSerIntegBnd.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Approximating the Series

evaluation point

Definition MYMACalc3 Riemann Sum Definition of Single Integrals (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\1DRiem.html,Riemann Sum Definition of Double Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\2DRiem.html,Riemann Sum Definition of Triple Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\3DRiem.html
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Riemann Sum Definition of Single Integrals (Review)

evaluation point

Definition MYMACalc2 Riemann Sums and Integrals (Optional),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\Def2.html
2 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Integrals (Optional)

evaluation point

Definition MYMACalc1 Riemann Sums and Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\Def2.html
1 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Integrals


Definition MYMACalc2 Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html
2 Sequences: Precise Definiton of Limits


Definition MYMACalc3 Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_1D.html,Precise Limits for Functions of \(2\) Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_2D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review)


Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html,Precise Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LRLims.html,Precise \(2\)-Sided Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\Lims.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity


Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Power Series?,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Def.html
2 Power Series: What is a Power Series?


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Divergence,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DivAlg.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Algebraic Definition of Divergence

expansion of the fluid

Definition MYMACalc3 Expansion and Contraction,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\Expansion.html
3 Line Integrals: Expansion and Contraction

expansion of the vector field

Definition MYMACalc3 Expansion and Contraction,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\Expansion.html
3 Line Integrals: Expansion and Contraction

expansion by minors

Definition MYMACalc3 Expansion by Minors on a Row or Column,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetExpn.html
3 Cross Product: Expansion by Minors on a Row or Column

expected value

Definition MYMACalc3 Average Value,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\Ave.html
3 Line Integrals: Average Value

explicit function definition

Definition MYMACalc3 Implicit Functions,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\ImplicitDiff1.html
3 Chain Rule: Implicit Functions

explicit form of the solution

Definition MYMACalc2 Separable Differential Equations --- Example 2,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\esep2.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: Separable Differential Equations --- Example 2

explicit function definition

Definition MYMACalc1 Implicit Functions,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\Chain\ImplicitDiff.html
1 Chain Rule & Implicit Differentiation: Implicit Functions

Exponential Sequences

Theorem MYMACalc1 Limits of Special Functions,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Compute\LimSpec.html,Limits of Non-Linear Functions,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\NonLinear.html
1 Computing Limits: Limits of Special Functions
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Limits of Non-Linear Functions

Exponential Sequences

Theorem MYMACalc2 Special Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimSpec.html,Precise Special Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecSpec.html
2 Sequences: Special Limits

Extended Mean Value Theorem

Definition MYMACalc2 Taylor Remainder,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\Remainder.html
2 Taylor Series: Taylor Remainder


Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html,Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html,Global Max-Min Problems,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Global.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable
3 Max-Min Problems: Functions of \(2\) Variables


Definition MYMACalc3 Constrained Max-Min Problems,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Constraint.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Constrained Max-Min Problems

extreme cases

Definition MYMACalc2 The Limit Comparison Test - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\LimCompPf.html,The Limit Comparison Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\LimCompTest.html,The Limit Comparison Test - Extreme Cases,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\LimCompTest2.html,Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: The Limit Comparison Test - Proof


Definition MYMACalc3 Constrained Max-Min Problems,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Constraint.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Constrained Max-Min Problems


Definition MYMACalc2 Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Def.html
2 Sequences: Definition

Finite Geometric Series

Theorem MYMACalc2 Geometric Series - Finite,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\GeomFin.html
2 Series: Geometric Series - Finite

finite geometric series

Definition MYMACalc2 Geometric Series - Finite,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\GeomFin.html
2 Series: Geometric Series - Finite


Definition MYMACalc1 Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Compute\LimatInf.html
1 Computing Limits: Limits at Infinity

finite series

Definition MYMACalc2 Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Def.html
2 Series: Definition

first moment of the mass

Definition MYMACalc2 Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMbar.html,Center of Mass - Discrete Masses,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMdiscrete.html,Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\MomInertia.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

First Derivative Test

Theorem MYMACalc3 Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxInfl.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable

first moments of the mass

Definition MYMACalc3 Mass, Center of Mass and Centroid,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\MassCM.html
3 Line Integrals: Mass, Center of Mass and Centroid

first moments of arc length

Definition MYMACalc3 Mass, Center of Mass and Centroid,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\MassCM.html
3 Line Integrals: Mass, Center of Mass and Centroid

first term

Definition MYMACalc2 Geometric Series - Finite,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\GeomFin.html,Geometric Series - Infinite,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\GeomInf.html
2 Series: Geometric Series - Finite

First Derivative Test

Theorem MYMACalc1 \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test,\MYMACalc1\Part IV - Applications of Derivatives\MaxMin\2ndDerivTest.html
1 Max/Min Problems: \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test

flow diagram

Definition MYMACalc2 Separable Differential Equations --- Example 2,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\esep2.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: Separable Differential Equations --- Example 2

flow of the fluid

Definition MYMACalc3 Flow and Circulation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\FlowCirc.html
3 Line Integrals: Flow and Circulation

flow of the vector field

Definition MYMACalc3 Flow and Circulation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\FlowCirc.html
3 Line Integrals: Flow and Circulation

for Manipulating the Hand.

Theorem MYMACalc3 Right Hand Rule,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\CrossRHR.html
3 Cross Product: Right Hand Rule


Definition MYMACalc3 Application: Balancing Forces,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\BalForces.html
3 Vectors: Application: Balancing Forces


Definition MYMACalc1 Balancing Forces,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\BalForces.html
1 Vectors: Balancing Forces

free scalar

Definition MYMACalc3 Free vs. Located,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\FreeVsLocated.html
3 Vectors: Free vs. Located

free vector

Definition MYMACalc3 Free vs. Located,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\FreeVsLocated.html
3 Vectors: Free vs. Located

free fall

Definition MYMACalc2 Free Fall,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\FreeFall.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Free Fall

Frenet Equations

Theorem MYMACalc3 Frenet Frames & Derivatives of TNB,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Frenet.html
3 Properties of Curves: Frenet Frames & Derivatives of TNB


Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Surface Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfInt.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Vector Surface Integrals

frustrum of a cone

Definition MYMACalc2 Area of a Surface of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\SurfRev.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Area of a Surface of Revolution

frustum of a cone

Definition MYMACalc2 Area of a Surface of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\SurfRev.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Area of a Surface of Revolution

Fubini's Theorem: Integral over a Polar Rectangle

Theorem MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Polar Rectangle,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Int.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Polar Rectangle

Fubini's Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Polar Rectangle - Derivation,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-IntDerive.html,Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\IteratedInt\CompConstLims.html,Double Integrals over a Rectangle,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\2DRect.html,Triple Integrals over a Rectangular Box,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\3DRect.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Polar Rectangle - Derivation
3 Iterated Integrals: Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Double Integrals over a Rectangle


Definition MYMACalc3 Formulas,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\Formulas.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Formulas

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Curves (FTCC)

Theorem MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmFTCC\Verify.html,The Theorem,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmFTCC\Theorem.html
3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Curves: undefined

Gauss' Theorem without Holes

Theorem MYMACalc3 The Theorem,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGauss\Theorem.html
3 Gauss' Theorem: The Theorem

Gauss' Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGauss\x.html,The Theorem for Regions with Holes,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGauss\Hole.html
3 Gauss' Theorem: undefined

general antiderivative

Definition MYMACalc1 Non-Uniqueness of Antiderivatives,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\AntiDer\NonUniq.html
1 Antiderivatives: Non-Uniqueness of Antiderivatives


Definition MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Overview

general antiderivative

Definition MYMACalc2 Non-Uniqueness of Antiderivatives,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\AntiDer\NonUniq.html
2 Antiderivatives: Non-Uniqueness of Antiderivatives

general series

Definition MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Overview

Geometric Formula for Dot Product

Theorem MYMACalc1 Dot Product - Geometric,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\DotGeom.html
1 Vectors: Dot Product - Geometric

Geometric Formula for Dot Product

Theorem MYMACalc3 Geometric Formula,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\DotGeom.html
3 Dot Product: Geometric Formula

Geometric Description of the Cross Product

Theorem MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Cross Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\CrossGeom.html
3 Cross Product: Geometric Interpretation of Cross Products

geometric series

Definition MYMACalc2 Geometric Series - Finite,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\GeomFin.html
2 Series: Geometric Series - Finite

Geometric Interpretation of the Triple Product

Theorem MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Triple Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\TripleGeom.html
3 Cross Product: Geometric Interpretation of Triple Products

geometrical domains

Definition MYMACalc3 Introduction to Parametric Surfaces,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\PosPlots.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Introduction to Parametric Surfaces

global maximum

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html,Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html,Global Max-Min Problems,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Global.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable
3 Max-Min Problems: Functions of \(2\) Variables

global minimum

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html,Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html,Global Max-Min Problems,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Global.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable
3 Max-Min Problems: Functions of \(2\) Variables


Definition MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DelOperator.html,The Del Operator,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DelOperator.html,The Hessian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Hessian.html,Derivative Along a Curve and the Gradient,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DerCurve.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: undefined
3 Higher Order Derivatives: The Del Operator
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: The Hessian

gradient field

Definition MYMACalc3 Non-Existence of a Scalar Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoScalPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Non-Existence of a Scalar Potential

graph of the parametric curve

Definition MYMACalc3 Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2.html,Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR3.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)

graph of an equation in \(3\) variables

Definition MYMACalc3 Graphs of Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\Graphs2.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Graphs of Equations

graph of a function of \(2\) variables

Definition MYMACalc3 Graphs of Functions,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\Graphs.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Graphs of Functions

graph of the parametric surface

Definition MYMACalc3 Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)

graph of an equation in \(2\) variables

Definition MYMACalc3 Graphs of Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\Graphs2.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Graphs of Equations

graph of the parametric curve

Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Curves.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Curves

graph of a function of \(3\) variables

Definition MYMACalc3 Graphs of Functions,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\Graphs.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Graphs of Functions

graph of a function of \(1\) variable

Definition MYMACalc3 Graphs of Functions,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\Graphs.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Graphs of Functions

gravitational potential energy

Definition MYMACalc3 Gravitational Force near the Earth,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmFTCC\EarthGrav.html,Newtonian Gravitational Force,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmFTCC\NewtonGrav.html
3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Curves: Gravitational Force near the Earth

Green's Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGreen\x.html,The Theorem for Regions with Holes,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGreen\Hole.html
3 Green's Theorem: undefined

Green's Theorem without Holes

Theorem MYMACalc3 The Theorem,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGreen\Theorem.html
3 Green's Theorem: The Theorem

grid cell

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell Area,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-GridArea.html,Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell Area

growth constant

Definition MYMACalc2 Separable Differential Equations --- Example 7,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\esep7.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: Separable Differential Equations --- Example 7

harmonic series

Definition MYMACalc2 The Integral Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\IntegTest.html,The \(p\)-Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\pSerTest.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: The Integral Test

harmonic function

Definition MYMACalc3 The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian

has sum \(S\)

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series

has a limit

Definition MYMACalc2 Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html
2 Sequences: Limits - Definition

\(\hat\imath\,\hat\jmath\,\hat k\) notation

Definition MYMACalc3 \(ijk\) Notation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\ijkNote.html
3 Vectors: \(ijk\) Notation

\(\hat\imath\,\hat\jmath\,\hat k\) notation

Definition MYMACalc1 \(\hat\imath\hat\jmath\) Notation,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ijNote.html
1 Vectors: \(\hat\imath\hat\jmath\) Notation

Heat Equation

Definition MYMACalc3 The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian


Definition MYMACalc3 Torsion,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Torsion.html
3 Properties of Curves: Torsion


Definition MYMACalc2 Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ParamCrv.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Parametric Curves


Definition MYMACalc3 The Hessian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Hessian.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: The Hessian

horizontal axis

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Rectangular Coordinates

Horizontal and Vertical Tangents to a Parametric Curve

Theorem MYMACalc2 Horizontal and Vertical Tangents,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ParamHVTan.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Horizontal and Vertical Tangents

horizontal inflection points

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable

horizontal inflection point

Definition MYMACalc1 \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test,\MYMACalc1\Part IV - Applications of Derivatives\MaxMin\2ndDerivTest.html
1 Max/Min Problems: \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test

horizontal inflection point

Definition MYMACalc3 Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxInfl.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Curves - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Curves - Part 1

hyperbolic paraboloid

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2

hyperbolic cylinders

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2

hyperboloid of one sheet

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1

hyperboloid of two sheets

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1

Identity Sequence

Theorem MYMACalc1 Limits of Special Functions,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Compute\LimSpec.html,Limit Laws,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimLaws.html
1 Computing Limits: Limits of Special Functions
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Limit Laws

Identity Sequence

Theorem MYMACalc2 Special Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimSpec.html,Precise Special Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecSpec.html
2 Sequences: Special Limits

\(ij\)-entry in the Hessian

Definition MYMACalc3 The Hessian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Hessian.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: The Hessian


Definition MYMACalc3 Domain and Image,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\DomainImage.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Domain and Image

implicit function definition

Definition MYMACalc1 Implicit Functions,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\Chain\ImplicitDiff.html
1 Chain Rule & Implicit Differentiation: Implicit Functions

implicit function definition

Definition MYMACalc3 Implicit Functions,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\ImplicitDiff1.html
3 Chain Rule: Implicit Functions

implicit form of the solution

Definition MYMACalc2 Separable Differential Equations --- Example 2,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\esep2.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: Separable Differential Equations --- Example 2

Improper Integrals of Inverse Powers

Theorem MYMACalc2 Relation between \(\displaystyle\int\dfrac{1}{x^p}\,dx\) and \(\displaystyle\int\dfrac{1}{\sqrt[p]{x}}\,dx\),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\InverseN.html
2 Improper Integrals: Relation between \(\displaystyle\int\dfrac{1}{x^p}\,dx\) and \(\displaystyle\int\dfrac{1}{\sqrt[p]{x}}\,dx\)

Improved Comparison Bound on the Error in an Approximation

Theorem MYMACalc2 Improving the Approximation Using Comparisons,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\ApproxSerCompBnd2.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Improving the Approximation Using Comparisons

Improved Integral Bound on the Error in an Approximation

Theorem MYMACalc2 Improving the Approximation Using Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\ApproxSerIntegBnd2.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Improving the Approximation Using Integrals

Improved Alternating Series Bound on the Error in an Approximation

Theorem MYMACalc2 Improving the Approximation for an Alternating Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\ApproxSerAltBnd2.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Improving the Approximation for an Alternating Series

In summary:

Theorem MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - The Jacobian,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-Jac.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - The Jacobian


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Divergence,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DivAlg.html,Non-Existence of a Vector Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoVecPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Algebraic Definition of Divergence


Definition MYMACalc2 Monotonic Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Mono.html
2 Sequences: Monotonic Sequences

indefinite integral

Definition MYMACalc2 Indefinite Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\IndefInt.html
2 Riemann Sums: Indefinite Integrals


Definition MYMACalc3 Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\ChainRule1.html
3 Chain Rule: Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable


Definition MYMACalc1 Chain Rule,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\Chain\Chain.html
1 Chain Rule & Implicit Differentiation: Chain Rule

independent variable

Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Differential Equation?,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\Def.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: What is a Differential Equation?

independent variables

Definition MYMACalc3 Formulas,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\Formulas.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Formulas

indeterminate forms

Definition MYMACalc1 Limit Laws,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Compute\LimLaws.html
1 Computing Limits: Limit Laws

indeterminate forms

Definition MYMACalc2 Limit Laws,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimLaws.html,Limits Without Limit Laws,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimWOLaws.html
2 Sequences: Limit Laws


Definition MYMACalc3 Higher Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\HigherDer.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Higher Derivatives


Definition MYMACalc2 Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Def.html
2 Sequences: Definition

infinite series

Definition MYMACalc2 Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Def.html
2 Series: Definition


Definition MYMACalc1 Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Compute\LimatInf.html
1 Computing Limits: Limits at Infinity

Infinite Limit of a Sequence

Definition MYMACalc2 Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html
2 Sequences: Limits - Definition

infinite geometric series

Definition MYMACalc2 Geometric Series - Infinite,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\GeomInf.html
2 Series: Geometric Series - Infinite

Infinite Geometric Series

Theorem MYMACalc2 Geometric Series - Infinite,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\GeomInf.html
2 Series: Geometric Series - Infinite

Infinite Limit from the Right

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Infinite Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\InfLim.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Infinite Limits

initial value problem

Definition MYMACalc2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\AntiDer\DiffEq.html
2 Antiderivatives: Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems

initial terms

Definition MYMACalc2 Recursively Defined Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Recur.html
2 Sequences: Recursively Defined Sequences

initial value problem

Definition MYMACalc1 From Acceleration to Velocity and Position,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\AntiDer\AccVelPos.html
1 Antiderivatives: From Acceleration to Velocity and Position

inner product

Definition MYMACalc1 Dot Product - Algebraic,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\DotAlg.html
1 Vectors: Dot Product - Algebraic


Definition MYMACalc3 Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\ChainRule1.html
3 Chain Rule: Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable


Definition MYMACalc1 Chain Rule,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\Chain\Chain.html
1 Chain Rule & Implicit Differentiation: Chain Rule

inner product

Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\DotAlg.html
3 Dot Product: Algebraic Definition

input tolerance

Definition MYMACalc3 Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_1D.html,Precise Limits for Functions of \(2\) Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_2D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review)

input tolerance

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Infinite Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\InfLim.html,Precise Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LRLims.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Infinite Limits

integral converges

Definition MYMACalc2 Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\Fin.html,Integrals Improper at an Infinite Endpoint,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\Inf.html
2 Improper Integrals: Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint

integral of \(f(x)\) from \(x=a\) to \(x=b\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Riemann Sum Definition of Single Integrals (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\1DRiem.html
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Riemann Sum Definition of Single Integrals (Review)


Definition MYMACalc1 Riemann Sums and Areas,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\Def.html
1 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Areas

Integral over a Type \(x\) Region

Theorem MYMACalc3 Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region - Derivations,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2D-NonRectDerive.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region - Derivations

integral function for \(f(x)\)

Definition MYMACalc1 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\IntFTC.html
1 Riemann Sums: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals

Integral over a Type \(r\) Region

Theorem MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Int2.html,Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region - Derivations,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Int2Derive.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region

integral function for \(f(x)\)

Definition MYMACalc2 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\IntFTC.html
2 Riemann Sums: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals

Integral over a Type \(\theta\) Region

Theorem MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Int2.html,Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region - Derivations,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Int2Derive.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region

Integral over a Type \(y\) Region

Theorem MYMACalc3 Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region - Derivations,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2D-NonRectDerive.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region - Derivations

integral bound on the error in the approximation

Definition MYMACalc2 Approximating the Series - Integral Bounds,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\ApproxSerIntegBnd.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Approximating the Series - Integral Bounds

integral diverges

Definition MYMACalc2 Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\Fin.html,Integrals Improper at an Infinite Endpoint,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\Inf.html
2 Improper Integrals: Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint

integrate a differential equation

Definition MYMACalc2 Solutions of Differential Equations,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\Sol.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: Solutions of Differential Equations

Integration by Parts

Theorem MYMACalc2 Definite Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\IntParts\Def.html,Indefinite Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\IntParts\Indef.html
2 Integration by Parts: Definite Integrals

Integration by Substitution

Theorem MYMACalc2 Indefinite Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\IntSubs\Indef.html
2 Integration by Substitution: Indefinite Integrals

Integration by Substitution

Theorem MYMACalc1 Indefinite Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntSubs\Indef.html
1 Integration by Substitution: Indefinite Integrals

Integrations of Power Series

Theorem MYMACalc2 Integration,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Integ.html
2 Power Series: Integration


Definition MYMACalc1 Chain Rule,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\Chain\Chain.html
1 Chain Rule & Implicit Differentiation: Chain Rule


Definition MYMACalc3 Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\ChainRule1.html
3 Chain Rule: Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable

Interpretation of an Integral as Net Area

Theorem MYMACalc2 Riemann Sums and Integrals (Optional),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\Def2.html
2 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Integrals (Optional)

Interpretation of Integral as Net Area

Theorem MYMACalc1 Riemann Sums and Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\Def2.html
1 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Integrals

interval of convergence

Definition MYMACalc2 Sequences and Series of Functions,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\SeqSerFns.html
2 Power Series: Sequences and Series of Functions

interval of convergence

Definition MYMACalc2 Interval of Convergence,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Interval.html
2 Power Series: Interval of Convergence


Definition MYMACalc2 Complex Methods (Optional),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\ParFrac\Coeffs2Complex.html
2 Partial Fractions: Complex Methods (Optional)


Definition MYMACalc2 General Decompositions,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\ParFrac\Decomp.html
2 Partial Fractions: General Decompositions


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Curl,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\CurlAlg.html,Non-Existence of a Scalar Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoScalPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Algebraic Definition of Curl

is convergent

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series

iterated double integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\IteratedInt\CompConstLims.html
3 Iterated Integrals: Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits

iterated integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\IteratedInt\CompConstLims.html
3 Iterated Integrals: Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits

iterated triple integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\IteratedInt\CompConstLims.html
3 Iterated Integrals: Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits

Jacobian determinant

Definition MYMACalc3 3D Curvilinear Coordinates - The Jacobian,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\3DCurv-Jac.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 3D Curvilinear Coordinates - The Jacobian

Jacobian factor

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell Area,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-GridArea.html,3D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell Volume,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\3DCurv-GridVol.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell Area

Jacobian Factor:

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - The Jacobian,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-Jac.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - The Jacobian

Jacobian Matrix:

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - The Jacobian,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-Jac.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - The Jacobian

Jacobian Determinant:

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - The Jacobian,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-Jac.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - The Jacobian

\(k^\text{th}\) moment of the mass

Definition MYMACalc2 Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMbar.html,Center of Mass - Discrete Masses,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMdiscrete.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

\(k^\text{th}\) partial sum

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series

\(k^\text{th}\) degree Taylor polynomial

Definition MYMACalc3 Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(2\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Taylor2.html,Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(1\) Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Taylor.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(2\) Variable

Lagrange equations

Definition MYMACalc3 Lagrange Multiplier Method,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Lagrange.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Lagrange Multiplier Method

Lagrange Multiplier Method

Theorem MYMACalc3 Multiple Constraint Problems (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MultConstraint.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Multiple Constraint Problems (Optional)

Lagrange multiplier

Definition MYMACalc3 Lagrange Multiplier Method,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Lagrange.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Lagrange Multiplier Method

Laplace Equation

Definition MYMACalc3 The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian


Definition MYMACalc3 The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian

Law of Cosines

Theorem MYMACalc3 Geometric Formula,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\DotGeom.html
3 Dot Product: Geometric Formula

Law of Cosines

Theorem MYMACalc1 Dot Product - Geometric,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\DotGeom.html
1 Vectors: Dot Product - Geometric

leading principle minor determinants

Definition MYMACalc3 Second Derivative Test with More Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\SecondDerTest2.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Second Derivative Test with More Variables (Optional)

Left Riemann Sum Error and Bound Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc2 Error Bounds - Left and Right Riemann Sums,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\LRErr.html
2 Numerical Integration: Error Bounds - Left and Right Riemann Sums

left handed system

Definition MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Triple Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\TripleGeom.html
3 Cross Product: Geometric Interpretation of Triple Products

left or right limit is positive infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LRLims.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

left or right limit is negative infinity

Definition MYMACalc3 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

left or right limit is negative infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LRLims.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

left or right limit is positive infinity

Definition MYMACalc3 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

left or right limit is oscillitory divergent

Definition MYMACalc1 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LRLims.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist

left or right limit is oscillitory divergent

Definition MYMACalc3 When Limits Do Not Exist,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: When Limits Do Not Exist


Definition MYMACalc1 Magnitude,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Mag.html
1 Vectors: Magnitude


Definition MYMACalc2 Complex Methods (Optional),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\ParFrac\Coeffs2Complex.html
2 Partial Fractions: Complex Methods (Optional)


Definition MYMACalc3 Magnitude,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Mag.html
3 Vectors: Magnitude

level set

Definition MYMACalc3 Level Sets and Contour Plots,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\ContPlot3.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Level Sets and Contour Plots

level surfaces

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(3\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\ContPlot3.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(3\) Variables

level curves

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\ContPlot2.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(2\) Variables

level point

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\ContPlot.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) from the left is infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Infinite Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\InfLim.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Infinite Limits

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) from the right

Definition MYMACalc3 Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review)

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) from the right

Definition MYMACalc1 Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LRLims.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: Left and Right Limits

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) from the left

Definition MYMACalc1 Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LRLims.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: Left and Right Limits

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) from the left

Definition MYMACalc3 Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review)

limit of the \(n^\text{th}\) root of the \(n^\text{th}\) term

Definition MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html,The Root Test - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\RootPf.html,The Root Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\RootTest.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Overview

limit of the ratio of successive terms

Definition MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html,The Ratio Test - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\RatioPf.html,The Ratio Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\RatioTest.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Overview

limit of a vector function

Definition MYMACalc3 Limits of Vector Functions,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Lim.html
3 Properties of Curves: Limits of Vector Functions

Limit Laws

Theorem MYMACalc3 Limit Laws,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\LimLaws.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Limit Laws


Definition MYMACalc2 Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html
2 Sequences: Precise Definiton of Limits

Limit Laws

Theorem MYMACalc1 Limit Laws,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimLaws.html
1 Computing Limits: Limit Laws
1 Precise Limits and Continuity:

Limit of a Function from the Right

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LRLims.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Left and Right Limits


Definition MYMACalc3 Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html,Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_1D.html,Precise Limits for Functions of \(2\) Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_2D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review)

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) from the right

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LRLims.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Left and Right Limits

limit of the absolute value of the ratio of successive terms

Definition MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html,The Ratio Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Ratio.html,The Ratio Test - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\RatioPf.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Overview


Definition MYMACalc1 2-Sided Limits and Continuity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LimCont.html,Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html,Precise Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LRLims.html,Precise \(2\)-Sided Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\Lims.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: 2-Sided Limits and Continuity
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity

limit from the right

Definition MYMACalc2 Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\Fin.html
2 Improper Integrals: Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint

Limit of a Sequence

Definition MYMACalc2 Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html,Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html
2 Sequences: Limits - Definition

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) from the right is infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Infinite Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\InfLim.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Infinite Limits

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) from the right is negative infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Infinite Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\InfLim.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Infinite Limits

limit of the \(n^\text{th}\) root of the absolute value of the \(n^\text{th}\) term

Definition MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html,The Root Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Root.html,The Root Test - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\RootPf.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Overview

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) from the left is negative infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Infinite Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\InfLim.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Infinite Limits

Limit Laws

Theorem MYMACalc2 Limit Laws,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimLaws.html,Precise Limit Laws,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecLaws.html
2 Sequences: Limit Laws

Limit of a Function from the Right

Definition MYMACalc3 Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review)

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) is infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Infinite Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\InfLim.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Infinite Limits

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) from the right

Definition MYMACalc3 Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review)

limit of the function, \(f(x,y)\), as \((x,y)\) approaches \((a,b)\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Precise Limits for Functions of \(2\) Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_2D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits for Functions of \(2\) Variables (Optional)

limit of the function, \(f(x)\), as \(x\) approaches \(a\) is negative infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Infinite Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\InfLim.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Infinite Limits

Limit of a Function of \(2\) Variables

Definition MYMACalc3 Precise Limits for Functions of \(2\) Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_2D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits for Functions of \(2\) Variables (Optional)

limit of a difference quotient

Definition MYMACalc1 Derivative at a Point,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DefTanLine\DerivPt.html
1 Definitions and Tangent Lines: Derivative at a Point

Limit of a Sequence

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity

limit is \(-\infty\)

Definition MYMACalc2 Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html
2 Sequences: Limits - Definition

limit is \(+\infty\)

Definition MYMACalc2 Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html
2 Sequences: Limits - Definition

Limits of Functions of \(2\) Variables

Definition MYMACalc3 Precise Limits for Functions of \(2\) Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_2D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits for Functions of \(2\) Variables (Optional)

Limits of Functions of Two Variables

Definition MYMACalc3 Intuitive Limits for Functions of 2 Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_2D.html,undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_2D_Exist.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Intuitive Limits for Functions of 2 Variables

line integral of a vector field

Definition MYMACalc3 Line Integrals of Vectors,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\VectorInt.html
3 Line Integrals: Line Integrals of Vectors


Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - More on the Normal Equation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam3.html,Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - More on the Normal Equation

line integral of a function

Definition MYMACalc3 Line Integrals of Scalars,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\ScalarInt.html
3 Line Integrals: Line Integrals of Scalars


Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Lines

line of longitude

Definition MYMACalc3 3D Spherical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Spherical Coordinates

line of latitude

Definition MYMACalc3 3D Spherical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Spherical Coordinates

linear combination

Definition MYMACalc3 Linear Combinations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\LinComb.html
3 Vectors: Linear Combinations

linear combination

Definition MYMACalc1 Linear Combinations,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\LinComb.html
1 Vectors: Linear Combinations


Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Differential Equation?,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\Def.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: What is a Differential Equation?

Linear Approximation with \(1\) Variable

Theorem MYMACalc3 Linear Approximation with \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\LinApprox1Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Linear Approximation with \(1\) Variable

Linear Approximation

Theorem MYMACalc1 Linear Approximation,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DiffLinApprox\LinApprox.html
1 Differentials & Linear Approximation: Linear Approximation

Linear Approximation with \(2\) Variables

Theorem MYMACalc3 Linear Approximation with \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\LinApprox2Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Linear Approximation with \(2\) Variables

Linear Approximation with \(3\) Variables

Theorem MYMACalc3 Linear Approximation with \(3\) or more Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\LinApprox3Var.html
3 Linear Approximation: Linear Approximation with \(3\) or more Variables

linear mass density

Definition MYMACalc3 Review of Center of Mass of a Bar ,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Review of Center of Mass of a Bar

linear density

Definition MYMACalc2 Total Mass,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\Mass.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Total Mass

linear electric charge density

Definition MYMACalc2 Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\Charge.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density

local or relative minimum

Definition MYMACalc1 \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test,\MYMACalc1\Part IV - Applications of Derivatives\MaxMin\2ndDerivTest.html
1 Max/Min Problems: \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test

local maximum

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html,Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html,Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxSaddle.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable
3 Max-Min Problems: Functions of \(2\) Variables

local or relative extrema

Definition MYMACalc3 Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxInfl.html,Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxSaddle.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable

local minimum

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html,Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html,Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxSaddle.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable
3 Max-Min Problems: Functions of \(2\) Variables

local or relative minimum

Definition MYMACalc3 Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxInfl.html,Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxSaddle.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable

local or relative maximum

Definition MYMACalc3 Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxInfl.html,Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxSaddle.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable

local or relative maximum

Definition MYMACalc1 \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test,\MYMACalc1\Part IV - Applications of Derivatives\MaxMin\2ndDerivTest.html
1 Max/Min Problems: \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test

local or relative extrema

Definition MYMACalc1 \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test,\MYMACalc1\Part IV - Applications of Derivatives\MaxMin\2ndDerivTest.html
1 Max/Min Problems: \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test


Definition MYMACalc3 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Arrow.html
3 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows


Definition MYMACalc1 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Arrow.html
1 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows

located scalar

Definition MYMACalc3 Free vs. Located,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\FreeVsLocated.html
3 Vectors: Free vs. Located

located vector

Definition MYMACalc3 Free vs. Located,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\FreeVsLocated.html
3 Vectors: Free vs. Located

logistic growth

Definition MYMACalc2 Logistic Growth,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\Logistic.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Logistic Growth

logistic growth model

Definition MYMACalc2 Logistic Growth,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\Logistic.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Logistic Growth

lower bound

Definition MYMACalc2 Bounded Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Bnd.html,Left, Right and Middle Riemann Sums - For a Known Antiderivative,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\LRMKnown.html
2 Sequences: Bounded Sequences
2 Numerical Integration: Left, Right and Middle Riemann Sums - For a Known Antiderivative


Definition MYMACalc3 Second Derivative Test with More Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\SecondDerTest2.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Second Derivative Test with More Variables (Optional)

Maclaurin Series Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc2 Taylor Series Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\Def.html
2 Taylor Series: Taylor Series Definition

Maclaurin series

Definition MYMACalc2 Taylor Series Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\Def.html
2 Taylor Series: Taylor Series Definition


Definition MYMACalc1 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Arrow.html,Direction,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Dir.html,Magnitude,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Mag.html
1 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows


Definition MYMACalc3 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Arrow.html,Direction,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Dir.html,Magnitude,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Mag.html
3 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows


Definition MYMACalc2 Complex Methods (Optional),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\ParFrac\Coeffs2Complex.html
2 Partial Fractions: Complex Methods (Optional)

mass density

Definition MYMACalc3 The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian


Definition MYMACalc3 Review of Center of Mass of a Bar ,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html,Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html,Center of Mass,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\CM.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Review of Center of Mass of a Bar
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass

matrix is diagonal

Definition MYMACalc3 Properties of Determinants,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetProp.html
3 Cross Product: Properties of Determinants

Mean Value Theorem for Derivatives

Theorem MYMACalc2 undefined,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\RemainderPf.html
2 Taylor Series: undefined

Middle Riemann Sum Error and Bound Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc2 Error Bounds - Trapezoid Rule and Middle Riemann Sum,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\TrapMidErr.html
2 Numerical Integration: Error Bounds - Trapezoid Rule and Middle Riemann Sum

Midpoint of a Line Segment

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance Formula in 2D,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DDistance.html,Distance Formula in 3D,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DDistance.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Distance Formula in 2D

mixed second partials

Definition MYMACalc3 Higher Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\HigherDer.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Higher Derivatives

Mixing problems

Definition MYMACalc2 Mixing Problems,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\Mixing.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Mixing Problems

Moment of Inertia of a Bar with Non-Uniform Density

Theorem MYMACalc2 Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\MomInertia.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

moment about the \(x\)-axis

Definition MYMACalc3 Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass


Definition MYMACalc3 Applications of Double Integrals - Centroid of a Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCentroid.html, Review of Center of Mass of a Bar ,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html,Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Applications of Double Integrals - Centroid of a Region

moment of inertia

Definition MYMACalc2 Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\MomInertia.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

moment about the \(y\)-axis

Definition MYMACalc3 Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass

moments of the area

Definition MYMACalc3 Centroid,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\Centroid.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Centroid

moments of the mass

Definition MYMACalc3 Center of Mass,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\CM.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Center of Mass

monkey saddle

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(2\) Variables


Definition MYMACalc2 Monotonic Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Mono.html
2 Sequences: Monotonic Sequences

Multiple of a Row (<strong>Row Operation II</strong>)*

Theorem MYMACalc3 Properties of Determinants,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetProp.html
3 Cross Product: Properties of Determinants

Multiplication of Power Series by Polynomials

Theorem MYMACalc2 Multiplication by Polynomials,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Mult.html
2 Power Series: Multiplication by Polynomials

multiplicative constant of integration

Definition MYMACalc2 Exponential Growth and Decay,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\Exp.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Exponential Growth and Decay


Definition MYMACalc2 General Decompositions,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\ParFrac\Decomp.html
2 Partial Fractions: General Decompositions

\(n\)D Spherical Coordinates

Definition MYMACalc3 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\nDCylSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional)

\(n\)D Cylindrical Coordinates

Definition MYMACalc3 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\nDCylSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional)


Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html,Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html,Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxInfl.html,Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxSaddle.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable
3 Max-Min Problems: Functions of \(2\) Variables

negative infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity


Definition MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Overview
2 Convergence of Positive Series:

negative of a vector \(\vec v\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Properties,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\DotProp.html
1 Dot Product: Properties

negative infinity

Definition MYMACalc2 Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html,Integrals Improper at an Infinite Endpoint,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\Inf.html
2 Sequences: Precise Definiton of Limits
2 Improper Integrals: Integrals Improper at an Infinite Endpoint

negative of a vector \(\vec v\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Properties,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\DotProp.html
3 Dot Product: Properties

Net Electric Charge on a Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density

Theorem MYMACalc2 Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\Charge.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density

net charge

Definition MYMACalc2 Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\Charge.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density

net electric charge

Definition MYMACalc2 Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\Charge.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density

Newton's Law of Heating and Cooling

Theorem MYMACalc2 Newtonian Heating and Cooling,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\Cooling.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Newtonian Heating and Cooling

Newton's Law of Gravity

Definition MYMACalc3 The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian

Newton's Second Law of Rotational Motion

Definition MYMACalc3 Application - Balancing Torques,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\BalTorques.html
3 Cross Product: Application - Balancing Torques

Non-Existence of a Scalar Potential

Theorem MYMACalc3 Non-Existence of a Scalar Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoScalPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Non-Existence of a Scalar Potential

Non-Existence of a Vector Potential

Theorem MYMACalc3 Non-Existence of a Vector Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoVecPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Non-Existence of a Vector Potential

non-parametric equations

Definition MYMACalc3 Planes - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Planes - Non-Parametric Equations

Non-Parametric Equation of a Line

Theorem MYMACalc3 Lines - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines - Non-Parametric Equations

non-parametric equation of the line

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines - Non-Parametric Equations

Non-Uniqueness of Antiderivatives

Theorem MYMACalc2 Non-Uniqueness of Antiderivatives,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\AntiDer\NonUniq.html
2 Antiderivatives: Non-Uniqueness of Antiderivatives

normal equation

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - More on the Normal Equation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam3.html,Planes in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) - More on the Normal Equation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam2.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - More on the Normal Equation

normal form

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam2.html,Planes - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations

normal acceleration

Definition MYMACalc3 Tangential and Normal Acceleration,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\TNAcc.html
3 Properties of Curves: Tangential and Normal Acceleration

normal differential of arc length

Definition MYMACalc3 Normal Line Integrals in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\NormalInt.html
3 Line Integrals: Normal Line Integrals in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)

normal line integral of a vector field

Definition MYMACalc3 Normal Line Integrals in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\NormalInt.html
3 Line Integrals: Normal Line Integrals in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)

normal vector

Definition MYMACalc3 Normal Vector,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\NormalVec2.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Normal Vector

number of terms

Definition MYMACalc2 Geometric Series - Finite,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\GeomFin.html
2 Series: Geometric Series - Finite


Definition MYMACalc3 3D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Rectangular Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 Constrained Max-Min Problems,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Constraint.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Constrained Max-Min Problems

optimized function

Definition MYMACalc3 Constrained Max-Min Problems,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\Constraint.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Constrained Max-Min Problems


Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Differential Equation?,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\Def.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: What is a Differential Equation?

ordered triple notation

Definition MYMACalc3 \(ijk\) Notation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\ijkNote.html
3 Vectors: \(ijk\) Notation

ordered triple notation

Definition MYMACalc1 \(\hat\imath\hat\jmath\) Notation,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ijNote.html
1 Vectors: \(\hat\imath\hat\jmath\) Notation


Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Surface Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfInt.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Vector Surface Integrals


Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Surface Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfInt.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Vector Surface Integrals

orientation of the curve

Definition MYMACalc3 Flow and Circulation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\FlowCirc.html
3 Line Integrals: Flow and Circulation


Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Surface Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfInt.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Vector Surface Integrals


Definition MYMACalc3 Application: Orienteering,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Orient.html
3 Vectors: Application: Orienteering


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Rectangular Coordinates

original series

Definition MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Overview

oscillatory divergent

Definition MYMACalc2 Limits - Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimDef.html
2 Sequences: Limits - Definition

osculating circle

Definition MYMACalc3 Curvature,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Curvature.html
3 Properties of Curves: Curvature


Definition MYMACalc3 Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\ChainRule1.html
3 Chain Rule: Chain Rule with \(1\) Intermediate Variable


Definition MYMACalc1 Chain Rule,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\Chain\Chain.html
1 Chain Rule & Implicit Differentiation: Chain Rule

output tolerance

Definition MYMACalc3 Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_1D.html,Precise Limits for Functions of \(2\) Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Prec_2D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits for Functions of \(1\) Variable (Optional Review)

output tolerance

Definition MYMACalc2 Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html
2 Sequences: Precise Definiton of Limits

output bound

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Infinite Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\InfLim.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Infinite Limits

output tolerance

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html,Precise Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LRLims.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity


Definition MYMACalc3 Applications of Double Integrals - Centroid of a Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCentroid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Applications of Double Integrals - Centroid of a Region


Definition MYMACalc2 The Integral Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\IntegTest.html,The \(p\)-Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\pSerTest.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: The Integral Test


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Curves - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Curves - Part 2

parabolic cylinders

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2

parabolic cylinder

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2

Parallel and Perpenducular Scalar Projections

Theorem MYMACalc3 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjScalar.html
3 Dot Product: Scalar Projections

Parallel Vector Projection

Theorem MYMACalc1 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjVector.html
1 Vectors: Vector Projections

Parallel Vector Projection

Theorem MYMACalc3 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjVector.html
3 Dot Product: Vector Projections

Parallel and Perpenducular Scalar Projections

Theorem MYMACalc1 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjScalar.html
1 Vectors: Scalar Projections

Parallelogram Method

Theorem MYMACalc1 Vector Addition - Geometric,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\VecAddGeom.html
1 Vectors: Vector Addition - Geometric

Parallelogram Method

Theorem MYMACalc3 Vector Addition: Geometric Construction,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\VecAddGeom.html
3 Vectors: Vector Addition: Geometric Construction


Definition MYMACalc3 Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2.html,Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR3.html,Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)
3 Lines and Planes: Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)


Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Curves.html,Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Curves


Definition MYMACalc3 Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3.html,Planes - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneParam1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)
3 Lines and Planes: Planes - Parametric Equations

Parametric Equation of a Line

Theorem MYMACalc1 Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Lines

parametric equation of the plane

Definition MYMACalc3 Planes - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Planes - Parametric Equations

parametric curve

Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Curves.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Curves

parametric equation

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html,Planes - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines - Parametric Equations

parametric equation of the line

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines - Parametric Equations

Parametric Equation of a Line

Theorem MYMACalc3 Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines - Parametric Equations

Parametric Equation of a Plane

Theorem MYMACalc3 Planes - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Planes - Parametric Equations

parametric equation of the line

Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Lines

parametric equation

Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Lines

parametric surface

Definition MYMACalc3 Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3.html,Introduction to Parametric Surfaces,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\PosPlots.html,Position,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\PosPlots.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Introduction to Parametric Surfaces

parametric curve

Definition MYMACalc3 Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2.html,Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR3.html,Introduction to Parametric Surfaces,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\PosPlots.html,Position,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\PosPlots.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)

parametric curve

Definition MYMACalc2 Arc Length of a Parametric Curve,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ArcParam.html,Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ParamCrv.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Arc Length of a Parametric Curve

Parametrization Method

Theorem MYMACalc3 Multiple Constraint Problems (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MultConstraint.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Multiple Constraint Problems (Optional)

parametrized region

Definition MYMACalc3 Introduction to Parametric Surfaces,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\PosPlots.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Introduction to Parametric Surfaces

Parametrizing the Graph of a Function

Theorem MYMACalc2 Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ParamCrv.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Parametric Curves

partial derivatives

Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Partial Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\ParDerAlg.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Algebraic Definition of Partial Derivatives


Definition MYMACalc3 Computation,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\Compute.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Computation

partial derivative

Definition MYMACalc3 Computation,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\Compute.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Computation

partition points

Definition MYMACalc3 Riemann Sum Definition of Single Integrals (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\1DRiem.html
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Riemann Sum Definition of Single Integrals (Review)


Definition MYMACalc2 Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ParamCrv.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Parametric Curves

path independent integrals

Definition MYMACalc3 Application - Path Independence,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmFTCC\ApplPathIndep.html
3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Curves: Application - Path Independence

Perpendicular Vector Projection

Theorem MYMACalc1 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjVector.html
1 Vectors: Vector Projections

Perpendicular Vector Projection

Theorem MYMACalc3 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjVector.html
3 Dot Product: Vector Projections


Definition MYMACalc3 3D Spherical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Spherical Coordinates

pivot point

Definition MYMACalc3 Application - Balancing Torques,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\BalTorques.html
3 Cross Product: Application - Balancing Torques

pivot point

Definition MYMACalc2 Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\MomInertia.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

planar curve

Definition MYMACalc3 Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)

planar curve

Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Curves.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Curves


Definition MYMACalc3 Planes - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Planes - Parametric Equations


Definition MYMACalc3 Plot,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\PosPlots.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Plot

point-slope formula

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam2.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations

Poisson Equation

Definition MYMACalc3 The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian

polar differential of area

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell

polar angle

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Polar Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarCoord.html,3D Spherical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DSphCoord.html,Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\nDCylSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Polar Coordinates

Polar Coordinates

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Polar Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Polar Coordinates

polar graph of an equation

Definition MYMACalc2 Graphs of Polar Equations,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\Graph.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Graphs of Polar Equations

polar angle

Definition MYMACalc2 Polar Coordinate System,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\Def.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Polar Coordinate System

polar rectangle

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell

polar equation

Definition MYMACalc2 Polar Equations,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\PolarEq.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Polar Equations

polar equation

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarEq.html
3 Polar Coordinates: Polar Equations

Polar Angle Formula

Theorem MYMACalc3 2D Converting between Rectangular and Polar,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarConvert.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Converting between Rectangular and Polar

Polar Coordinates

Definition MYMACalc2 Polar Coordinate System,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\Def.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Polar Coordinate System

Polar Angle Formula

Theorem MYMACalc2 Converting Between Rectangular and Polar Coordinates,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\Convert.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Converting Between Rectangular and Polar Coordinates

polar graph

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Polar Plots,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarPlot.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Polar Plots

position equation

Definition MYMACalc2 Falling near the Earth,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\FreeFall.html,Falling with Air Resistance,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\TermVel.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Falling near the Earth

position vector

Definition MYMACalc2 Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ParamCrv.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Parametric Curves

position vector

Definition MYMACalc3 Application - Balancing Torques,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\BalTorques.html,Vector Functions: Position and Plots,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\VecFnsPosPlot.html,Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Arrow.html
3 Cross Product: Application - Balancing Torques
3 Properties of Curves: Vector Functions: Position and Plots
3 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows


Definition MYMACalc3 Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2.html,Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR3.html,Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3.html,Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html,Position,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\PosPlots.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)
3 Lines and Planes: Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)

position vector

Definition MYMACalc1 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Arrow.html,Position Vector,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\ParamCurves\Position.html
1 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows
1 Parametric Curves: Position Vector


Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Curves.html,Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Curves

positive infinity

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity


Definition MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Overview
2 Convergence of Positive Series:

positive infinity

Definition MYMACalc2 Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html
2 Sequences: Precise Definiton of Limits

potential energy

Definition MYMACalc3 Application - Work,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmFTCC\ApplWork.html
3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Curves: Application - Work

power series

Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Power Series?,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Def.html
2 Power Series: What is a Power Series?

Power Sequences

Theorem MYMACalc1 Limits of Special Functions,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Compute\LimSpec.html,Limits of Non-Linear Functions,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\NonLinear.html
1 Computing Limits: Limits of Special Functions
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Limits of Non-Linear Functions

Power Sequences

Theorem MYMACalc2 Special Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\LimSpec.html,Precise Special Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecSpec.html
2 Sequences: Special Limits

power series

Definition MYMACalc2 Radius of Convergence,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Radius.html
2 Power Series: Radius of Convergence

principle diagonal

Definition MYMACalc3 Method of Diagonals,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetDiag.html
3 Cross Product: Method of Diagonals

probability density function (PDF)

Definition MYMACalc2 Exercises,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\x.html
2 Improper Integrals: Exercises


Definition MYMACalc3 Average Value,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\Ave.html
3 Line Integrals: Average Value

probability distribution

Definition MYMACalc3 Average Value,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\Ave.html
3 Line Integrals: Average Value


Theorem MYMACalc2 Substitutions for \(a^2x^2+b^2\) and \(a^2x^2-b^2\),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\TrigSubs\Coef.html,Substitutions for \(1-x^2\) (or \(x^2-1\)) - Sine Substitutions,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\TrigSubs\Sin.html,Substitutions for \(x^2-1\) (or \(1-x^2\)) - Secant Substitutions,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\TrigSubs\Sec.html,Substitutions for \(x^2+1\) - Tangent Substitutions,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\TrigSubs\Tan.html
2 Trigonometric Substitutions: Substitutions for \(a^2x^2+b^2\) and \(a^2x^2-b^2\)

projection of the vector \(\vec v\) perpendicular to the direction of \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjVector.html
3 Dot Product: Vector Projections

projection of the vector \(\vec v\) parallel to the direction of \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjVector.html
3 Dot Product: Vector Projections

projection of the vector \(\vec v\) parallel to the direction of \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjVector.html
1 Vectors: Vector Projections

projection of the vector \(\vec v\) perpendicular to the direction of \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjVector.html
1 Vectors: Vector Projections

Properties of the Gradient

Theorem MYMACalc3 Properties of the Gradient,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\PropGrad.html,undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\PropGradApps34.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Properties of the Gradient

Pythagorean Theorem in \(\mathbb{R}^n\)

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance Formula in Higher Dimensions (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\nDDistance.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Distance Formula in Higher Dimensions (Optional)

Pythagorean Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance Formula in 2D,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DDistance.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Distance Formula in 2D


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Rectangular Coordinates

quadratic curves

Definition MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: undefined

quadratic surfaces

Definition MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: undefined


Definition MYMACalc2 What is a Differential Equation?,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEIVP\Def.html
2 Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems: What is a Differential Equation?

quadric surfaces

Definition MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: undefined

quadric curves

Definition MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR2Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: undefined


Definition MYMACalc2 General Decompositions,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\ParFrac\Decomp.html
2 Partial Fractions: General Decompositions


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Polar Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarCoord.html,3D Cylindrical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DCylCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Polar Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Polar Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Polar Coordinates

Radius of Convergence Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc2 Radius of Convergence,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Radius.html
2 Power Series: Radius of Convergence

radius of convergence

Definition MYMACalc2 Radius of Convergence,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Radius.html
2 Power Series: Radius of Convergence

radius of revolution

Definition MYMACalc2 Area of a Surface of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\SurfRev.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Area of a Surface of Revolution

radius of curvature

Definition MYMACalc3 Curvature,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Curvature.html
3 Properties of Curves: Curvature


Definition MYMACalc2 Polar Coordinate System,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\Def.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Polar Coordinate System


Definition MYMACalc3 Domain and Image,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\DomainImage.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Domain and Image

ratio of successive terms

Definition MYMACalc2 Geometric Series - Finite,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\GeomFin.html,Geometric Series - Infinite,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\GeomInf.html
2 Series: Geometric Series - Finite

rectangular graph of an equation

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Polar Plots,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarPlot.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Polar Plots

rectangular graph of an equation

Definition MYMACalc2 Graphs of Polar Equations,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\Graph.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Graphs of Polar Equations

rectangular equation

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarEq.html
3 Polar Coordinates: Polar Equations

rectangular equation

Definition MYMACalc2 Polar Equations,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\PolarEq.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Polar Equations

Rectangular Coordinate System

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DRectCoord.html,3D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Rectangular Coordinates

rectangular differential of area

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Grid Cell


Definition MYMACalc2 Recursively Defined Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Recur.html
2 Sequences: Recursively Defined Sequences


Definition MYMACalc2 Recursively Defined Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Recur.html
2 Sequences: Recursively Defined Sequences

region of convergence

Definition MYMACalc2 Sequences and Series of Functions,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\SeqSerFns.html
2 Power Series: Sequences and Series of Functions

related absolute series

Definition MYMACalc2 The Absolute Convergence Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Abs.html,The Absolute Convergence Test - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\AbsPf.html,Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html
2 Convergence of General Series: The Absolute Convergence Test


Definition MYMACalc2 Recursively Defined Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Recur.html
2 Sequences: Recursively Defined Sequences

relationship equation

Definition MYMACalc3 Related Rates,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\RelRates.html
3 Chain Rule: Related Rates

relative minimum

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html,Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable

relative maximum

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle.html,Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(1\) Variable


Definition MYMACalc2 General Decompositions,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\ParFrac\Decomp.html
2 Partial Fractions: General Decompositions

restriction of the function \(f\) to the curve \(\vec r(t)\).

Definition MYMACalc3 Derivative Along a Curve and the Gradient,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DerCurve.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Derivative Along a Curve and the Gradient

restriction of the function to the curve

Definition MYMACalc3 Line Integrals of Scalars,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\ScalarInt.html
3 Line Integrals: Line Integrals of Scalars


Definition MYMACalc3 3D Spherical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Spherical Coordinates

Riemann sum

Definition MYMACalc2 Riemann Sums and Areas,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\Def.html,Riemann Sums and Integrals (Optional),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\Def2.html
2 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Areas

Riemann sum

Definition MYMACalc1 Riemann Sums and Areas,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\Def.html,Riemann Sums and Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\Def2.html
1 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Areas

Riemann sum

Definition MYMACalc3 Riemann Sum Definition of Single Integrals (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\1DRiem.html
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Riemann Sum Definition of Single Integrals (Review)

Riemann sum

Definition MYMACalc3 Riemann Sum Definition of Double Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\2DRiem.html,Double Integrals over a Rectangle,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\2DRect.html,Triple Integrals over a Rectangular Box,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\3DRect.html,Riemann Sum Definition of Triple Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\3DRiem.html
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Riemann Sum Definition of Double Integrals

right handed system

Definition MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Triple Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\TripleGeom.html
3 Cross Product: Geometric Interpretation of Triple Products

right handed coordinate system

Definition MYMACalc3 3D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Rectangular Coordinates

right endpoint

Definition MYMACalc2 Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\Fin.html
2 Improper Integrals: Integrals Improper at a Finite Endpoint

Right Riemann Sum Error and Bound Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc2 Error Bounds - Left and Right Riemann Sums,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\LRErr.html
2 Numerical Integration: Error Bounds - Left and Right Riemann Sums

rotation angle

Definition MYMACalc3 Application - Balancing Torques,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\BalTorques.html
3 Cross Product: Application - Balancing Torques

rotation axis

Definition MYMACalc3 Application - Balancing Torques,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\BalTorques.html
3 Cross Product: Application - Balancing Torques


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Curl,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\CurlAlg.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Algebraic Definition of Curl

Row Operations

Definition MYMACalc3 Row Operations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetProp.html
3 Cross Product: Row Operations

saddle point

Definition MYMACalc3 Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxSaddle.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables

saddle points

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(2\) Variables


Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\MaxMinSaddle2.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(2\) Variables

saddle surface

Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad2.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 2

scalar differential of arc length

Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Surface Area Differential,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfDiff.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Vector Surface Area Differential

scalar potential

Definition MYMACalc3 Generalizing Antiderivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\AntiDer.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Generalizing Antiderivatives

scalar potential

Definition MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\ScalPots.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: undefined

scalar field

Definition MYMACalc3 Located vs. Field,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\LocatedVsField.html
3 Vectors: Located vs. Field

scalar surface integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Surface Area Differential,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfDiff.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Vector Surface Area Differential

scalar differential of surface area

Definition MYMACalc3 Grid Cell Surface Area,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\GridCellArea.html,Vector Surface Area Differential,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfDiff.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Grid Cell Surface Area

scalar projections

Definition MYMACalc3 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjScalar.html
3 Dot Product: Scalar Projections


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\DotAlg.html,Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Arrow.html
3 Dot Product: Algebraic Definition
3 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows

scalar product

Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\DotAlg.html,Scalar Multiplication: Algebraic Definition,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\ScalMultAlg.html
3 Dot Product: Algebraic Definition
3 Vectors: Scalar Multiplication: Algebraic Definition

scalar function

Definition MYMACalc3 Located vs. Field,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\LocatedVsField.html
3 Vectors: Located vs. Field

scalar product

Definition MYMACalc1 Dot Product - Algebraic,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\DotAlg.html,Scalar Multiplication - Algebraic,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ScalMultAlg.html
1 Vectors: Dot Product - Algebraic

scalar projections

Definition MYMACalc1 Scalar Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjScalar.html
1 Vectors: Scalar Projections


Definition MYMACalc1 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Arrow.html,Dot Product - Algebraic,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\DotAlg.html
1 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows

scalar form

Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Lines

scalar line integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Surface Area Differential,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfDiff.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Vector Surface Area Differential

scalar form

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html,Planes - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines - Parametric Equations

(Scalar) Differential of Arc Length

Definition MYMACalc3 Arc Length, Arc Length Parameter, and Speed,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\ArcLen.html
3 Properties of Curves: Arc Length, Arc Length Parameter, and Speed

(scalar) differential of surface area

Definition MYMACalc3 Grid Cell Surface Area,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\GridCellArea.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Grid Cell Surface Area

(scalar) differential of arclength

Definition MYMACalc3 Arc Length,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\ArcLength.html
3 Line Integrals: Arc Length

Second Derivative Test

Theorem MYMACalc1 \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test,\MYMACalc1\Part IV - Applications of Derivatives\MaxMin\2ndDerivTest.html
1 Max/Min Problems: \(2^\text{nd}\) Derivative Test

Second Derivative Test with \(n\) Variables

Theorem MYMACalc3 Second Derivative Test with More Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\SecondDerTest2.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Second Derivative Test with More Variables (Optional)

Second Derivative Test

Theorem MYMACalc3 Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxInfl.html,Local Minima, Local Maxima and Saddle Points of Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\MaxMin\MinMaxSaddle.html
3 Max-Min Problems: Local Minima, Local Maxima and Inflection Points of Functions of \(1\) Variable

second moment of the mass

Definition MYMACalc2 Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMbar.html,Center of Mass - Discrete Masses,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMdiscrete.html,Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\MomInertia.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

sequence of terms

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series


Definition MYMACalc2 Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Def.html
2 Sequences: Definition


Definition MYMACalc1 Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Compute\LimatInf.html
1 Computing Limits: Limits at Infinity

sequence of partial sums

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series

series is oscillatory divergent

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series

series diverges to \(\infty\)

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series

series diverges to \(-\infty\)

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series


Definition MYMACalc2 Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Def.html,The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: Definition

series does not exist

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series

series exists

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series

simply connected

Definition MYMACalc3 Non-Existence of a Scalar Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoScalPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Non-Existence of a Scalar Potential

Simpson's Rule Error and Bound Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc2 Error Bounds - Simpson's Rule,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\SimpErr.html,Error Bounds - Simpson's Rule - Example 3,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\SimpErr3.html
2 Numerical Integration: Error Bounds - Simpson's Rule


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Divergence,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DivAlg.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Algebraic Definition of Divergence


Definition MYMACalc3 Parallel, Intersecting or Skew Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) and \(\mathbb{R}^n\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LinesIntersect2.html
3 Lines and Planes: Parallel, Intersecting or Skew Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) and \(\mathbb{R}^n\)

slant length of the cone

Definition MYMACalc2 Area of a Surface of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\SurfRev.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Area of a Surface of Revolution

Slope of a Parametric Curve

Theorem MYMACalc2 Slopes of Parametric Curves,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\ParamSlope.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Slopes of Parametric Curves


Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam2.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations

Slope of a Polar Curve

Theorem MYMACalc2 Slope of a Polar Graph,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\Slope.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Slope of a Polar Graph

slope of a polar curve

Definition MYMACalc2 Slope of a Polar Graph,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\Slope.html
2 Polar Coordinates: Slope of a Polar Graph


Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam2.html,Planes - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations


Definition MYMACalc3 Non-Existence of a Vector Potential,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\NoVecPot.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Non-Existence of a Vector Potential


Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Divergence,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\DivAlg.html,The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Algebraic Definition of Divergence

space curve

Definition MYMACalc3 Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\CrvR3.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Curves in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)


Definition MYMACalc3 Arc Length, Arc Length Parameter, and Speed,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Speed.html
3 Properties of Curves: Arc Length, Arc Length Parameter, and Speed


Definition MYMACalc3 Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3Quad1.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Quadratic Surfaces - Part 1

Spherical Coordinates

Definition MYMACalc3 3D Spherical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Spherical Coordinates

spherical radius

Definition MYMACalc3 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\nDCylSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional)

spherical differential of surface area

Definition MYMACalc3 Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\IteratedInt\CompConstLims.html
3 Iterated Integrals: Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits

spherical differential of volume

Definition MYMACalc3 Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\IteratedInt\CompConstLims.html
3 Iterated Integrals: Computing Iterated Integrals with Constant Limits

spherical radius

Definition MYMACalc3 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\nDCylSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates in Higher Dimensions (Optional)

Splitting the Interval of an Integral

Theorem MYMACalc1 Riemann Sums and Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\Def2.html
1 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Integrals

standard coordinate vectors

Definition MYMACalc3 \(ijk\) Notation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\ijkNote.html
3 Vectors: \(ijk\) Notation

standard form

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam2.html,Planes - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations

standard basis vectors

Definition MYMACalc1 \(\hat\imath\hat\jmath\) Notation,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ijNote.html
1 Vectors: \(\hat\imath\hat\jmath\) Notation

standard basis vectors

Definition MYMACalc3 \(ijk\) Notation,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\ijkNote.html
3 Vectors: \(ijk\) Notation

standard coordinate vectors

Definition MYMACalc1 \(\hat\imath\hat\jmath\) Notation,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ijNote.html
1 Vectors: \(\hat\imath\hat\jmath\) Notation

Stokes' Theorem with a Single Boundary Curve

Theorem MYMACalc3 The Theorem,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmStokes\Theorem.html
3 Stokes' Theorem: The Theorem

Stokes' Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmStokes\x.html,Surfaces whose Boundaries have Several Curves,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmStokes\Hole.html
3 Stokes' Theorem: undefined

Stretch, Shrink, Reverse

Theorem MYMACalc1 Scalar Multiplication - Geometric,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ScalMultGeom.html
1 Vectors: Scalar Multiplication - Geometric

Stretch, Shrink, Reverse

Theorem MYMACalc3 Scalar Multiplication: Geometric Construction,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\ScalMultGeom.html
3 Vectors: Scalar Multiplication: Geometric Construction

strictly increasing

Definition MYMACalc2 Monotonic Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Mono.html
2 Sequences: Monotonic Sequences

strictly monotonic

Definition MYMACalc2 Monotonic Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Mono.html
2 Sequences: Monotonic Sequences

strictly decreasing

Definition MYMACalc2 Monotonic Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Mono.html
2 Sequences: Monotonic Sequences

subscript notation

Definition MYMACalc3 Higher Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\HigherDer.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Higher Derivatives

Substitute Back

Theorem MYMACalc2 Definite Integrals - Changing Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\IntSubs\DefChLim.html
2 Integration by Substitution: Definite Integrals - Changing Limits

substituting back

Definition MYMACalc2 Indefinite Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\IntSubs\Indef.html,Definite Integrals - Substituting Back,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\IntSubs\DefSubBack.html
2 Integration by Substitution: Indefinite Integrals

substituting back

Definition MYMACalc1 Definite Integrals - Substituting Back,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntSubs\DefSubBack.html,Indefinite Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntSubs\Indef.html
1 Integration by Substitution: Definite Integrals - Substituting Back

sum of the series

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series

sum of two vectors

Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Addition: Algebraic Definition,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\VecAddAlg.html
3 Vectors: Vector Addition: Algebraic Definition

sum of the infinite series

Definition MYMACalc2 The Sum of a Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Sum.html
2 Series: The Sum of a Series

sum of two vectors

Definition MYMACalc1 Vector Addition - Algebraic,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\VecAddAlg.html
1 Vectors: Vector Addition - Algebraic


Definition MYMACalc3 Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveSurface\SurfR3.html
3 Curves and Surfaces: Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)

surface area

Definition MYMACalc2 Area of a Surface of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\SurfRev.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Area of a Surface of Revolution

surface mass density

Definition MYMACalc3 Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass

Surface Area of Revolution of the Graph of a Function

Theorem MYMACalc2 Area of a Surface of Revolution of a Graph,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\SurfGraph.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Area of a Surface of Revolution of a Graph

Surface Area of a Frustum of a Cone

Theorem MYMACalc2 Area of a Surface of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\SurfRev.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Area of a Surface of Revolution

surface independent integrals

Definition MYMACalc3 Applications - Surface Independence,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGauss\ApplSurfIndep.html
3 Gauss' Theorem: Applications - Surface Independence

Surface Area of a Surface of Revolution

Theorem MYMACalc2 Area of a Surface of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\ArcSurf\SurfRev.html
2 Arc Length and Surface Area: Area of a Surface of Revolution

symmetric equations

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines - Non-Parametric Equations


Definition MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html,Convergence and Divergence Tests,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Tests.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Overview
2 Series: Convergence and Divergence Tests
2 Convergence of Positive Series:

tail of the sequence

Definition MYMACalc2 Precise Definiton of Limits,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\PrecDef.html
2 Sequences: Precise Definiton of Limits


Definition MYMACalc1 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Arrow.html
1 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows

tail of the sequence

Definition MYMACalc1 Precise Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Precise\LimatInf.html
1 Precise Limits and Continuity: Precise Limits at Infinity


Definition MYMACalc3 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Arrow.html
3 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows

tangent line to the \(x\)-trace at \((a,b)\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\ParDerGeom.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives

tangent plane

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff2Var.html,Comparison of Tangent Line and Tangent Plane Derivations,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanLinePlane.html,Tangent Plane to the Graph of a Function - Algebraic,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanPlaneAlg.html,Tangent Plane to the Graph of a Function - Geometric,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanPlaneGeom.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(2\) Variables
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Comparison of Tangent Line and Tangent Plane Derivations

tangent hyperplane

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(3\) or more Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff3Var.html,More Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\MoreVars.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(3\) or more Variables
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: More Variables

tangent function

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff1Var.html,Differentials with \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff2Var.html,Differentials with \(3\) or more Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff3Var.html,Tangent Line to the Graph of a Function,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanLine.html,Comparison of Tangent Line and Tangent Plane Derivations,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanLinePlane.html,Tangent Plane to the Graph of a Function - Algebraic,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanPlaneAlg.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(1\) Variable
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Differentials with \(2\) Variables

tangent line

Definition MYMACalc3 Differentials with \(1\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LinApprox\Diff1Var.html,Tangent Line to the Graph of a Function,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanLine.html,Comparison of Tangent Line and Tangent Plane Derivations,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\TanLinePlane.html
3 Linear Approximation: Differentials with \(1\) Variable
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Tangent Line to the Graph of a Function

tangent line

Definition MYMACalc1 Tangent Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DefTanLine\TanLine.html,Differences,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DiffLinApprox\Differentials.html
1 Definitions and Tangent Lines: Tangent Lines
1 Differentials & Linear Approximation: Differences

tangent line to the \(y\)-trace at \((a,b)\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\ParDerGeom.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives

tangent vector

Definition MYMACalc3 Derivatives of Vector Functions,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Der.html,Coordinate Curves and Tangent Vectors,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\TanVecs.html
3 Properties of Curves: Derivatives of Vector Functions
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Coordinate Curves and Tangent Vectors

tangent vector

Definition MYMACalc1 Tangent Vectors,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\ParamCurves\TanVec.html
1 Parametric Curves: Tangent Vectors

tangent function

Definition MYMACalc1 Tangent Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DefTanLine\TanLine.html,Differences,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DiffLinApprox\Differentials.html
1 Definitions and Tangent Lines: Tangent Lines
1 Differentials & Linear Approximation: Differences

tangential acceleration

Definition MYMACalc3 Tangential and Normal Acceleration,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\TNAcc.html
3 Properties of Curves: Tangential and Normal Acceleration

tangential line integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Normal Line Integrals in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\NormalInt.html
3 Line Integrals: Normal Line Integrals in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)

Taylor series

Definition MYMACalc3 Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(2\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Taylor2.html,Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(1\) Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Taylor.html,Derivation of Taylor Series for \(2\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\TaylorPf.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(2\) Variable

Taylor series

Definition MYMACalc2 Taylor Series Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\Def.html
2 Taylor Series: Taylor Series Definition

Taylor Series

Theorem MYMACalc3 Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(1\) Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Taylor.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(1\) Variable (Review)

Taylor Remainder Inequality

Theorem MYMACalc2 undefined,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\ConvProofs.html,Taylor Remainder,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\Remainder.html
2 Taylor Series: undefined

Taylor Remainder Formula Theorem (Extended Mean Value Theorem)

Theorem MYMACalc2 Taylor Remainder,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\Remainder.html,undefined,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\RemainderPf.html
2 Taylor Series: Taylor Remainder

Taylor Polynomials with \(2\) Variables

Theorem MYMACalc3 Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(2\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Taylor2.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(2\) Variable

Taylor Series Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc2 Taylor Series Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\Def.html
2 Taylor Series: Taylor Series Definition

Taylor Polynomial

Theorem MYMACalc3 Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(1\) Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Taylor.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(1\) Variable (Review)

Taylor Series with \(2\) Variables

Theorem MYMACalc3 Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(2\) Variable,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Taylor2.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: Taylor Series and Polynomials for \(2\) Variable

Taylor Series Formula

Theorem MYMACalc2 Computing Taylor Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\Compute.html
2 Taylor Series: Computing Taylor Series

telescoping series

Definition MYMACalc2 Telescoping Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Tele.html
2 Series: Telescoping Series


Definition MYMACalc3 The Hessian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Higher\Hessian.html
3 Higher Order Derivatives: The Hessian

terminal velocity

Definition MYMACalc2 Falling with Air Resistance,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\TermVel.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Falling with Air Resistance


Definition MYMACalc2 Definition,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Def.html
2 Sequences: Definition


Definition MYMACalc1 Limits at Infinity,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Compute\LimatInf.html
1 Computing Limits: Limits at Infinity

Testing a Tail

Theorem MYMACalc2 Convergence and Divergence Tests,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\Tests.html
2 Series: Convergence and Divergence Tests

The (\(2^\text{nd}\)) Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (in terms of the Area Function)

Theorem MYMACalc1 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Area,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\AntiDer\AreaFTC.html
1 Antiderivatives: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Area

The Comparison Bound on the Error in an Approximation

Theorem MYMACalc2 Approximating the Series - Comparison Bounds,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\ApproxSerCompBnd.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Approximating the Series - Comparison Bounds

The Alternating Series Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 The Alternating Series Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Alt.html,The Alternating Series Test - Justification and Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\AltPf.html,Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html
2 Convergence of General Series: The Alternating Series Test

The Integral Bound on the Error in an Approximation

Theorem MYMACalc2 Approximating the Series - Integral Bounds,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\ApproxSerIntegBnd.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Approximating the Series - Integral Bounds

The Integral Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 The Integral Test - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\IntegPf.html,The Integral Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\IntegTest.html,Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: The Integral Test - Proof

The Mean Value Theorem for Integrals

Theorem MYMACalc1 Mean Value Theorem for Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntegAppl\MVT.html
1 Applications of Integration: Mean Value Theorem for Integrals

The Limit Comparison Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 The Limit Comparison Test - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\LimCompPf.html,The Limit Comparison Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\LimCompTest.html,The Limit Comparison Test - Extreme Cases,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\LimCompTest2.html,Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: The Limit Comparison Test - Proof

The (\(1^\text{st}\)) Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Theorem MYMACalc1 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\IntFTC.html
1 Riemann Sums: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals

The Root Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html,The Root Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\RootTest.html,The Root Test - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\RootPf.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Overview
2 Convergence of Positive Series: The Root Test

The (\(2^\text{nd}\)) Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Theorem MYMACalc1 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\IntFTC.html
1 Riemann Sums: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals

The Ratio Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html,The Ratio Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\RatioTest.html,The Ratio Test - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\RatioPf.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Overview
2 Convergence of Positive Series: The Ratio Test

The nth Term Divergence Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Overview

The \(n^\text{th}\) Term Divergence Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html,\(n^\text{th}\) Term Divergence Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Ser\TestDiv.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Overview
2 Series: \(n^\text{th}\) Term Divergence Test

The Absolute Convergence Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 The Absolute Convergence Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Abs.html,The Absolute Convergence Test - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\AbsPf.html,Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\Overview.html
2 Convergence of General Series: The Absolute Convergence Test

The Angle between Two Vectors

Theorem MYMACalc1 Angles,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Angles.html
1 Vectors: Angles

The Mean Value Theorem for Integrals

Theorem MYMACalc2 Mean Value Theorem for Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Area\MeanVal.html
2 Area and Average Value: Mean Value Theorem for Integrals

The \(p\)-Series Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html,The \(p\)-Series,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\pSerTest.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Overview

The (\(1^\text{st}\)) Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Theorem MYMACalc2 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\IntFTC.html
2 Riemann Sums: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals

The (\(2^\text{nd}\)) Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Theorem MYMACalc2 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\IntFTC.html
2 Riemann Sums: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Integrals

The Angle between Two Vectors

Theorem MYMACalc3 Angles,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\Angles.html
3 Dot Product: Angles

The Simple Comparison Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html,The Simple Comparison Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\SimpCompTest.html
2 Convergence of Positive Series: Overview

The Tail Test

Theorem MYMACalc2 Overview,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\Overview.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Overview
2 Convergence of Positive Series:

The (\(1^\text{st}\)) Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (in terms of the Area Function)

Theorem MYMACalc2 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Area,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\AntiDer\AreaFTC.html
2 Antiderivatives: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Area

The (\(2^\text{nd}\)) Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (in terms of the Area Function)

Theorem MYMACalc2 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Area,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\AntiDer\AreaFTC.html
2 Antiderivatives: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Area

the direction of \(\vec v\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Directional Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DirecDeriv.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Directional Derivatives

The Alternating Series Bound on the Error in an Approximation

Theorem MYMACalc2 Approximating the Series - Alternating Series Bound,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerGen\ApproxSerAltBnd.html
2 Convergence of General Series: Approximating the Series - Alternating Series Bound

The (\(1^\text{st}\)) Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (in terms of the Area Function)

Theorem MYMACalc1 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Area,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\AntiDer\AreaFTC.html
1 Antiderivatives: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Area

The Interval of Convergence Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc2 Interval of Convergence,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\PowSer\Interval.html
2 Power Series: Interval of Convergence


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Polar Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DPolarCoord.html,3D Cylindrical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DCylCoord.html,3D Spherical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DSphCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Polar Coordinates

thin washers

Definition MYMACalc2 Solids of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Vol\Rev.html
2 Volume: Solids of Revolution

thin cylinders

Definition MYMACalc2 Solids of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Vol\Rev.html
2 Volume: Solids of Revolution

thin disks

Definition MYMACalc2 Solids of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Vol\Rev.html
2 Volume: Solids of Revolution


Definition MYMACalc3 Planes - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Planes - Non-Parametric Equations


Definition MYMACalc3 Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines - Parametric Equations


Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Lines


Definition MYMACalc1 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Arrow.html
1 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows


Definition MYMACalc3 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Arrow.html
3 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows

Tip-to-Tail Method

Theorem MYMACalc3 Vector Addition: Geometric Construction,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\VecAddGeom.html
3 Vectors: Vector Addition: Geometric Construction

Tip-to-Tail Method

Theorem MYMACalc1 Vector Addition - Geometric,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\VecAddGeom.html
1 Vectors: Vector Addition - Geometric

To determine if a limit exists and find the limit:

Theorem MYMACalc3 Computing a Limit using Polar Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_2D_Polar.html,Intuitive Limits for Functions of \(n\) Variables (Optional),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_nD.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Computing a Limit using Polar Coordinates

topographical map

Definition MYMACalc3 Functions of \(2\) Variables,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Functions\ContPlot2.html
3 Functions of Several Variables: Functions of \(2\) Variables


Definition MYMACalc2 Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\MomInertia.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density


Definition MYMACalc3 Application - Balancing Torques,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\BalTorques.html
3 Cross Product: Application - Balancing Torques


Definition MYMACalc3 Torsion,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Torsion.html
3 Properties of Curves: Torsion


Definition MYMACalc2 Exercises,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Vol\x.html
2 Volume: Exercises

Total Force on a Plate Due to Fluid Pressure

Theorem MYMACalc2 Fluid Pressure and Force,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\swork\fluid.html
2 Work, Fluid Pressure, and Force: Fluid Pressure and Force

Total Mass of a Bar with Non-Uniform Density

Theorem MYMACalc2 Total Mass,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\Mass.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Total Mass

total mass

Definition MYMACalc2 Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMbar.html,Center of Mass - Discrete Masses,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\CMdiscrete.html,Total Mass,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\Mass.html,Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\MomInertia.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Center of Mass - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

total rotation of the vector field

Definition MYMACalc3 Applications - Applications - Total Rotation and Circulation,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGreen\ApplCirc.html
3 Green's Theorem: Applications - Applications - Total Rotation and Circulation

total mass

Definition MYMACalc3 Mass, Center of Mass and Centroid,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\MassCM.html
3 Line Integrals: Mass, Center of Mass and Centroid

total moment of inertia

Definition MYMACalc2 Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\MomInertia.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

total torque

Definition MYMACalc2 Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\MomInertia.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density

total charge

Definition MYMACalc2 Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\Charge.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Electric Charge - Bar with Non-Uniform Charge Density

Total Mass of a Bar with Non-Uniform Density

Theorem MYMACalc1 Total Mass of a Bar,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntegAppl\MassBar.html
1 Applications of Integration: Total Mass of a Bar


Theorem MYMACalc3 Properties of Determinants,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetProp.html
3 Cross Product: Properties of Determinants


Definition MYMACalc3 Properties of Determinants,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetProp.html
3 Cross Product: Properties of Determinants

Trapezoid Rule Error and Bound Theorem

Theorem MYMACalc2 Error Bounds - Trapezoid Rule and Middle Riemann Sum,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\TrapMidErr.html
2 Numerical Integration: Error Bounds - Trapezoid Rule and Middle Riemann Sum

tree diagram

Definition MYMACalc3 Nested Chain Rule,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\Chain\NestedChainRule.html
3 Chain Rule: Nested Chain Rule

Triangle Inequality

Theorem MYMACalc1 Triangle Inequality - Proof,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\TrilneqPf.html,Vector Addition: Properties,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\VecAddProp.html
1 Vectors: Triangle Inequality - Proof

Triangle Inequality

Theorem MYMACalc3 Triangle Inequality - Proof,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\TrilneqPf.html,Vector Addition: Properties,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\VecAddProp.html
3 Vectors: Triangle Inequality - Proof

Triangular and Diagonal*

Theorem MYMACalc3 Properties of Determinants,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetProp.html
3 Cross Product: Properties of Determinants

Trig Product to Sum Rules

Theorem MYMACalc2 Converting Products to Sums,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\TrigInt\Prod.html
2 Trigonometric Integrals: Converting Products to Sums

triple product

Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Triple Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\TripleAlg.html
3 Cross Product: Algebraic Definition of Triple Products

triple integral of \(f(x,y,z)\) over the region \(R\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Riemann Sum Definition of Triple Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\3DRiem.html
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Riemann Sum Definition of Triple Integrals

Two Equal Rows*

Theorem MYMACalc3 Properties of Determinants,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetProp.html
3 Cross Product: Properties of Determinants


Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam2.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations

Type \(y\) integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2D-NonRect.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region

Type \(x\) Integrals

Theorem MYMACalc3 Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2D-NonRect.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region

Type \(x\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2D-NonRect.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region

Type \(r\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Int2.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region

Type \(r\) integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Int2.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region

Type \(\theta\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Int2.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region

Type \(\theta\) integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\Polar-Int2.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: Polar Coordinates - Integral over a Non-Rectangular Region

Type \(y\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2D-NonRect.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region

Type \(x\) integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2D-NonRect.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region

Type \(y\) Integrals

Theorem MYMACalc3 Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2D-NonRect.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Double Integrals over a Non-Rectangular Region


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell


Definition MYMACalc1 Indefinite Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\IntSubs\Indef.html
1 Integration by Substitution: Indefinite Integrals


Definition MYMACalc2 Indefinite Integrals,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\IntSubs\Indef.html
2 Integration by Substitution: Indefinite Integrals


Theorem MYMACalc1 Direction,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Dir.html,Properties,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\DotProp.html,Dot Product - Geometric,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\DotGeom.html,Magnitude,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Mag.html,Scalar Multiplication: Properties,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ScalMultProp.html,Scalar Multiplication - Algebraic,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ScalMultAlg.html,Vector Addition: Properties,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\VecAddProp.html,Derivative as a Function,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DefTanLine\DerivFn.html,Derivative at a Point,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\DefTanLine\DerivPt.html,Tangent Vectors,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\ParamCurves\TanVec.html,Velocity Vector,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\ParamCurves\Velocity.html,Non-Uniqueness of Antiderivatives,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\AntiDer\NonUniq.html
1 Vectors: Direction
1 Dot Product: Properties
1 Definitions and Tangent Lines: Dot Product - Geometric
1 Parametric Curves: Magnitude
1 Antiderivatives: Scalar Multiplication: Properties


Theorem MYMACalc2 Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Mass\MomInertia.html,Slope of a Polar Graph,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Polar\Slope.html,The Ratio Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\RatioTest.html,The Root Test,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\SerPos\RootTest.html,Taylor Series Convergence Proofs,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Taylor\ConvProofs.html,Exercises,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\TrigInt\x.html,Partial Fraction Decomposition - Repeated Linear Factors,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\ParFrac\Lin2.html,Relation between \(\displaystyle\int\dfrac{1}{x^p}\,dx\) and \(\displaystyle\int\dfrac{1}{\sqrt[p]{x}}\,dx\),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\Improper\InverseN.html,Error Bounds - Left Riemann Sum - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\LErrProof.html,MVT - Mean Value Theorems,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\MVT.html,MVT - Mean Value Theorems - Proofs,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\MVTProof2.html,Error Bounds - Right Riemann Sum - Proof,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\RErrProof.html,Error Bounds - Simpson's Rule - Example 1,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\SimpErr1.html,Error Bounds - Simpson's Rule - Example 2,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\SimpErr2.html,Proof of the Area of the Best Fit Parabola,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\SimpProof.html,Error Bounds - Trapezoid Rule and Middle Riemann Sum - Example 1,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\TrapErr1.html,Error Bounds - Trapezoid Rule and Middle Riemann Sum - Example 2,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\TrapErr2.html,Error Bounds - Trapezoid Rule and Middle Riemann Sum - Example 3,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\TrapErr3.html,Definite Integral Rules,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\IntRulesDef.html,Powers of Sine and Cosine - Both Even Powers,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\TrigInt\SinCosEven.html,Powers of Sine and Cosine - One Odd Power,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\TrigInt\SinCosOdd.html,Powers of Tangent and Secant - Other Forms,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\TrigInt\TanSecOther.html,Powers of Tangent and Secant - Simple Forms,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\TrigInt\TanSec.html
2 Mass and Center of Mass: Moment of Inertia - Bar with Non-Uniform Density
2 Polar Coordinates: Slope of a Polar Graph
2 Convergence of Positive Series: The Ratio Test
2 Taylor Series: The Root Test
2 Integration by Substitution: Taylor Series Convergence Proofs
2 Partial Fractions: Exercises
2 Improper Integrals: Partial Fraction Decomposition - Repeated Linear Factors
2 Integration by Parts: Relation between \(\displaystyle\int\dfrac{1}{x^p}\,dx\) and \(\displaystyle\int\dfrac{1}{\sqrt[p]{x}}\,dx\)
2 Numerical Integration: Error Bounds - Left Riemann Sum - Proof
2 Riemann Sums: MVT - Mean Value Theorems
2 Trigonometric Integrals: MVT - Mean Value Theorems - Proofs


Theorem MYMACalc3 Distance Formula in 3D,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DDistance.html,Algebraic Definition of Cross Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\CrossAlg.html,Properties of Cross Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\CrossProp.html,Algebraic Definition of Triple Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\TripleAlg.html,Curvature,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Curvature.html,Derivatives of Vector Functions,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Der.html,Tangential and Normal Acceleration,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\TNAcc.html,Tangent, Normal, and Binormal Vectors,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\TNB.html,Torsion,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Torsion.html,Geometric Formula,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\DotGeom.html,Properties,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\DotProp.html,Direction,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Dir.html,Magnitude,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Mag.html,Scalar Multiplication: Algebraic Definition,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\ScalMultAlg.html,Scalar Multiplication: Properties,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\ScalMultProp.html,Vector Addition: Properties,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\VecAddProp.html,Factoring Iterated Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\IteratedInt\Factor.html,Property 1: Length, Area, and Volume,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\Props1.html,Property 2: Sums and Constant Multiples,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\Props2.html,Property 3: Inequalities and Bounds on the Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\Props3.html,Property 4: Split the Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\Props4.html,The Curl of a Curl (\(\vec\nabla\times\vec\nabla\times\vec F\)),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpCurlCurl.html,Finding Vector Potentials,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\VecPots.html,Exercises,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\x.html,Applications - Gauss' Law,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGauss\ApplGauss.html,Applications - Fluid Flow,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGauss\ApplFluidFlow.html,Verification,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmGauss\Verify.html,Application - Work,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmFTCC\ApplWork.html,Surfaces with No Boundary,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmStokes\NoBoundary.html,Properties of the Theorems,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmPrevRev\ThmProps.html,Statements of the Theorems,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmPrevRev\ThmStmts.html
3 Coordinate Systems: Distance Formula in 3D
3 Cross Product: Algebraic Definition of Cross Products
3 Properties of Curves: Properties of Cross Products
3 Dot Product: Algebraic Definition of Triple Products
3 Vectors: Curvature
3 Iterated Integrals: Derivatives of Vector Functions
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Tangential and Normal Acceleration
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Tangent, Normal, and Binormal Vectors
3 Gauss' Theorem: Torsion
3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Curves: Geometric Formula
3 Stokes' Theorem: Properties
3 Preview of Theorems, Review of Integrals: Direction

unit vector

Definition MYMACalc1 Magnitude,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Mag.html
1 Vectors: Magnitude

unit vector in the direction of \(\vec v\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Magnitude,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Mag.html
1 Vectors: Magnitude

unit tangent vector

Definition MYMACalc3 Tangent, Normal, and Binormal Vectors,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\TNB.html
3 Properties of Curves: Tangent, Normal, and Binormal Vectors

unit vector in the direction of \(\vec v\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Directional Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DirecDeriv.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Directional Derivatives

unit normal vector

Definition MYMACalc3 Tangent, Normal, and Binormal Vectors,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\TNB.html
3 Properties of Curves: Tangent, Normal, and Binormal Vectors

unit vector in the direction of \(\vec v\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Magnitude,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Mag.html
3 Vectors: Magnitude

unit vector

Definition MYMACalc3 Magnitude,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Mag.html
3 Vectors: Magnitude

unit binormal vector

Definition MYMACalc3 Tangent, Normal, and Binormal Vectors,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\TNB.html
3 Properties of Curves: Tangent, Normal, and Binormal Vectors

upper bound

Definition MYMACalc2 Bounded Sequences,\MYMACalc2\Part IV - Sequences & Series\Seq\Bnd.html,Left, Right and Middle Riemann Sums - For a Known Antiderivative,\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\NumInt\LRMKnown.html
2 Sequences: Bounded Sequences
2 Numerical Integration: Left, Right and Middle Riemann Sums - For a Known Antiderivative

upper (resp. lower) triangular

Definition MYMACalc3 Properties of Determinants,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\DetProp.html
3 Cross Product: Properties of Determinants


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\CurvInt\2DCurv-Grid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Curvilinear Coordinates: 2D Curvilinear Coordinates - Grid Cell

Value & \(1\)-Sided Limits

Definition MYMACalc3 Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review)

value of the function \(f\) along the curve \(\vec r(t)\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Derivative Along a Curve and the Gradient,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DerCurve.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Derivative Along a Curve and the Gradient

value of the function

Definition MYMACalc1 Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LRLims.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: Left and Right Limits

Value & \(1\)-Sided Limits

MYMACalc1 Left and Right Limits,\MYMACalc1\Part II - Limits and Continuity\Intuitive\LRLims.html
1 Intuitive Limits and Continuity: Left and Right Limits

value of the vector field along the curve

Definition MYMACalc3 Normal Line Integrals in \(\mathbb{R}^2\),\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\NormalInt.html,Line Integrals of Vectors,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\VectorInt.html
3 Line Integrals: Normal Line Integrals in \(\mathbb{R}^2\)

value of the function along the curve

Definition MYMACalc3 Line Integrals of Scalars,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\ScalarInt.html
3 Line Integrals: Line Integrals of Scalars

value of the function

Definition MYMACalc3 Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\LimCont\Lim_1D.html
3 Limits and Continuity: Intuitive Limits for Functions of 1 Variable (Review)

vector function

Definition MYMACalc1 Position Vector,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\ParamCurves\Position.html
1 Parametric Curves: Position Vector

vector product

Definition MYMACalc3 Algebraic Definition of Cross Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\CrossAlg.html
3 Cross Product: Algebraic Definition of Cross Products

vector differential of arc length

Definition MYMACalc3 Line Integrals of Vectors,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\VectorInt.html,Vector Surface Area Differential,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfDiff.html
3 Line Integrals: Line Integrals of Vectors
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Vector Surface Area Differential

vector field

Definition MYMACalc3 Line Integrals of Vectors,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\VectorInt.html,Located vs. Field,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\LocatedVsField.html
3 Line Integrals: Line Integrals of Vectors
3 Vectors: Located vs. Field


Definition MYMACalc1 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Arrow.html
1 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows

vector form

Definition MYMACalc3 Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html,Planes - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines - Parametric Equations

vector potential

Definition MYMACalc3 Generalizing Antiderivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\AntiDer.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: Generalizing Antiderivatives

vector function

Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Functions: Position and Plots,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\VecFnsPosPlot.html
3 Properties of Curves: Vector Functions: Position and Plots


Definition MYMACalc3 Vectors as Arrows,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Vectors\Arrow.html
3 Vectors: Vectors as Arrows

vector form

Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Lines

vector potential

Definition MYMACalc3 undefined,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\VecPots.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: undefined

vector differential of surface area

Definition MYMACalc3 Grid Cell Surface Area,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\GridCellArea.html,Vector Surface Area Differential,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfDiff.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Grid Cell Surface Area

vector line integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Surface Area Differential,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfDiff.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Vector Surface Area Differential

vector surface integral

Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Surface Area Differential,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfDiff.html,Vector Surface Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\SurfInt\VecSurfInt.html
3 Parametric Surfaces and Surface Integrals: Vector Surface Area Differential

(vector) projection of \(\vec v\) parallel to \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjVector.html
1 Vectors: Vector Projections

(vector) projection of \(\vec v\) parallel to \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjVector.html
3 Dot Product: Vector Projections

(vector) projection of \(\vec v\) perpendicular to \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc1 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\ProjVector.html
1 Vectors: Vector Projections

(vector) projection of \(\vec v\) perpendicular to \(\vec u\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Vector Projections,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\ProjVector.html
3 Dot Product: Vector Projections


Definition MYMACalc1 Parametric Lines,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\Lines.html
1 Vectors: Parametric Lines

velocity of a curve

Definition MYMACalc1 Velocity Vector,\MYMACalc1\Part III - Derivatives\ParamCurves\Velocity.html
1 Parametric Curves: Velocity Vector

velocity equation

Definition MYMACalc2 Falling near the Earth,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\FreeFall.html,Falling with Air Resistance,\MYMACalc2\Part III - Differential Equations\DEApps\TermVel.html
2 Applications of Differential Equations: Falling near the Earth


Definition MYMACalc3 Derivatives of Vector Functions,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\CurveProps\Der.html,Lines - Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineParam1.html
3 Properties of Curves: Derivatives of Vector Functions
3 Lines and Planes: Lines - Parametric Equations


Definition MYMACalc1 Properties,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\DotProp.html
1 Dot Product: Properties


Definition MYMACalc3 Verification,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmStokes\Verify.html
3 Gauss' Theorem: Verification
3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Curves:
3 Green's Theorem:
3 Stokes' Theorem:


Definition MYMACalc3 Properties of Cross Products,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\CrossProp.html,Properties,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\DotProp.html
3 Cross Product: Properties of Cross Products
3 Dot Product: Properties

vertical axis

Definition MYMACalc3 2D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Rectangular Coordinates

Volume by Slicing

Theorem MYMACalc2 Volume by Slicing,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Vol\Slice.html
2 Volume: Volume by Slicing

Volume of a Parallelepiped

Theorem MYMACalc3 Volume,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Cross\Volume.html
3 Cross Product: Volume

Volume of a Solid of Revolution using Thin Washers

Theorem MYMACalc2 Volume using Thin Washers,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Vol\Washer.html
2 Volume: Volume using Thin Washers


Definition MYMACalc3 Riemann Sum Definition of Double Integrals,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\2DRiem.html
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Riemann Sum Definition of Double Integrals

Volume of a Solid of Revolution using Thin Disks

Theorem MYMACalc2 Volume using Thin Disks,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Vol\Disk.html
2 Volume: Volume using Thin Disks

Volume of a Solid of Revolution using Thin Cylinders

Theorem MYMACalc2 Volume using Thin Cylinders,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Vol\Cylin.html
2 Volume: Volume using Thin Cylinders

Volumes of Revolution

Theorem MYMACalc2 Volumes of Revolution: Disks, Washers or Cylinders?,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Vol\Rev2.html,Strategy for Computing Volumes of Revolution,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\Vol\Strategy.html
2 Volume: Volumes of Revolution: Disks, Washers or Cylinders?

Wave Equation

Definition MYMACalc3 The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DivCurlPots\OpDivGrad.html
3 Divergence, Curl and Potentials: The Divergence of a Gradient (\(\vec\nabla\cdot\vec\nabla f\)) - The Laplacian

weighted average

Definition MYMACalc3 Average Value,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\Ave.html
3 Line Integrals: Average Value


Definition MYMACalc2 Riemann Sums and Integrals (Optional),\MYMACalc2\Part I - Techniques of Integration\RiemSum\Def2.html
2 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Integrals (Optional)


Definition MYMACalc1 Riemann Sums and Integrals,\MYMACalc1\Part V - Integrals\RiemSum\Def2.html
1 Riemann Sums: Riemann Sums and Integrals


Definition MYMACalc3 Riemann Sum Definition of Single Integrals (Review),\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RiemInt\1DRiem.html
3 Multiple Integrals as Riemann Sums: Riemann Sum Definition of Single Integrals (Review)

with respect to \(\vec v\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Derivative Along a Vector,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DerVec.html,Directional Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\DirDerivGrad\DirecDeriv.html
3 Directional Derivatives and Gradients: Derivative Along a Vector


Definition MYMACalc3 Work,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LineInt\Work.html,Application - Work,\MYMACalc3\Part IV - Theorems\ThmFTCC\ApplWork.html
3 Line Integrals: Work
3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Curves: Application - Work

Work Done by a Variable Force

Theorem MYMACalc2 Work - Variable Force,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\swork\varforce.html
2 Work, Fluid Pressure, and Force: Work - Variable Force

Work Done on an Extended Object

Theorem MYMACalc2 Work - Extended Object, Variable Distance,\MYMACalc2\Part II - Applications of Integration\swork\vardist.html
2 Work, Fluid Pressure, and Force: Work - Extended Object, Variable Distance

\(x\) and \(y\) \(1^\text{st}\)-moments of the mass

Definition MYMACalc3 Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCM.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Applications of Double Integrals - Center of Mass

\(x\) and \(y\) \(1^\text{st}\)-moments

Definition MYMACalc3 Applications of Double Integrals - Centroid of a Region,\MYMACalc3\Part III - Integrals\RectInt\2DAppsCentroid.html
3 Multiple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates: Applications of Double Integrals - Centroid of a Region


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DRectCoord.html,3D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Rectangular Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Rectangular Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam2.html,Planes - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations

\(x\)-partial derivative of \(f\) at \(x=a\) with \(y\) held fixed at \(y=b\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\ParDerGeom.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives


Definition MYMACalc3 Planes - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Planes - Non-Parametric Equations

\(x\)-trace with \(y=b\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\ParDerGeom.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives


Definition MYMACalc3 3D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Rectangular Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 3D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Rectangular Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DRectCoord.html,3D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Rectangular Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 2D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\2DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 2D Rectangular Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\LineNonParam2.html,Planes - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Lines in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) - Non-Parametric Equations

\(y\)-partial derivative of \(f\) at \(y=b\) with \(x\) held fixed at \(x=a\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\ParDerGeom.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives


Definition MYMACalc3 Planes - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Planes - Non-Parametric Equations

\(y\)-trace with \(x=a\)

Definition MYMACalc3 Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives,\MYMACalc3\Part II - Derivatives\ParDerTanPlane\ParDerGeom.html
3 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes: Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives


Definition MYMACalc3 3D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Rectangular Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 3D Rectangular Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DRectCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Rectangular Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 3D Cylindrical Coordinates,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Coords\3DCylCoord.html
3 Coordinate Systems: 3D Cylindrical Coordinates


Definition MYMACalc3 Planes - Non-Parametric Equations,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\LinePlane\PlaneNonParam1.html
3 Lines and Planes: Planes - Non-Parametric Equations

zero vector

Definition MYMACalc3 Properties,\MYMACalc3\Part I - Geometry & Vectors\Dot\DotProp.html
3 Dot Product: Properties

zero vector

Definition MYMACalc1 Properties,\MYMACalc1\Part I - Pre-Calculus\Vectors\DotProp.html
1 Dot Product: Properties