Pop Tac Toe

Pop Tac Toe

  • Read the rules at the bottom and select the rules.
    For beginners, we recommend: Reincarnation, Continue when All on Board, Move when All on Board, and Move like a King.

  • Click on     to restart the game without changing the number of checkers.

  • Click on     to restart the game and change the number of checkers.

  • To place a checker, simply drag it to a square on the board. To undo, click on  

  • Turn labels  

  • Highlight moves  

  • Next:   Winner:


  1. Basic Rules: Two players take turns placing a checker on the board on an unoccupied square. When a checker is put on a square, all the checkers (of both colors) on adjacent squares move away one space (horizontally, vertically or diagonally), unless there is another checker directly behind it preventing it from moving away. A player wins if they get three checkers in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally).
  2. Edge Rules: These rules determine what happens if a checker falls off the side of the board.
    •   When a checker falls off the side of the board, it is returned to the storage bin. It can be placed back on the board on a later move.
    •     When a checker falls off the side of the board, it is out of the game. When a player is reduced to 2 checkers, they lose. If both players are reduced to 2 checkers at the same time, the game is a stalemate.
    •     Checkers cannot fall off the side of the board. If they are pushed in a way where they would normally fall off the side of the board, they instead remain where they are and are not pushed.
    •      When a checker falls off the side of the board, it moves to the opposite side of the board with the order of the rows and columns unchanged.
    •      When a checker falls off the left or right of the board, it moves to the opposite side, on the same row. When a checker falls off the top or bottom of the board, it moves to the opposite side, but with its column reversed.
  3. All on Board Rules: These rules determine what happens when a player has all of their checkers on the board.
    •       When a player gets all their pieces on the board, they win.
    •     When a player gets all their pieces on the board, the game continues. If movement if not allowed, the game is a stalemate.
  4. Movement Rules: These rules determine when and how pieces can be moved. Checkers can only be placed in unoccupied squares.
    1. When:
      •      When a player cannot place a new piece on the board, the game is a win or a stalemate.
      •   A player can only move a piece when all of their pieces are on the board.
      •      A player can move a piece on any turn.
    2. How:
      •       A checker can be moved 1 space in any direction.
      •      A checker can be moved any number of spaces horizontally or vertically.
      •      A checker can be moved any number of spaces diagonally.
      •      A checker can be moved any number of spaces horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
      •    A checker can be moved to any unoccupied space.
    3. Zero Allowed:
      •      A player is allowed to pick up a checker and place it back into the same space.
      •       A player is not allowed to pick up a checker and place it back into the same space.
    4. Jumps Allowed:
      •      For Bishop, Rook or Queen moves, a player is allowed to move a checker to any unoccupied space on a row, column or diagonal including those behind other checkers.
      •       For Bishop, Rook or Queen moves, a player is allowed to move a checker only to an unoccupied space on a row, column or diagonal which does not require jumping over other checkers.

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Supported in part by NSF Grant #1123255